“What?” I was so distracted tonight. Scott had asked me to marry him last night, and yet, I still hadn’t told him I was pregnant.

Nerves whooshed through me at the thought.

I’m pregnant.

I’d left Scarlett’s house in a shitty mood the other day, but after spending hours contemplating everything she’d said, I realised she was right. As much as that pained me to admit. And so, I’d taken a test, and confirmed my pregnancy. I’d then proceeded to call in sick to all my jobs and ignored my phone except to take calls off Scott, my mother, Sharon and Cassie.

The last three days had been spent doing some deep soul searching while resting and making art, and I’d come to the decision I was okay with being pregnant. Actually, I was more than okay with it – I was ecstatic. But I was also scared of losing the baby, and perhaps that was why I hadn’t told anyone yet. I knew it was crazy, but telling people made it real. And real meant I had to face my fears because I was sure once Scott knew, he’d want to talk out all my concerns.

“Harlow! Are you even paying attention?” Madison demanded.

I blinked. “I’m sorry. Tell me what’s going on in your world.” I reached for the water in front of me and took a long sip.

“J came home last night and I was ready to jump his bones, and while he did have sex with me, I could tell he really just wanted to go to sleep.”


“Do you think that means there’s something going on that he’s not telling me about? Remember the last time he shut down on me was because of a secret he was keeping.”

Scarlett’s words came back to haunt me - You all make shit harder than it has to be.

She’s right.

“Madison, if you think there’s something wrong, just ask him. It’s the only way you’ll know for sure.” My voice was a little snippy when I didn’t mean for it to be.

She stared at me. “Are you okay?”

“Why? Do I not seem okay?”

“You seem off. Are you still feeling sick?”

Her voice held concern, but I didn’t want to get into a conversation about it with her. She’d figure it out fast and I didn’t want anyone to figure it out before I told Scott. Grappling for something to divert her attention, I was relieved when I saw Griff enter the restaurant…with a woman.

“Holy shit,” I murmured. “Who is that with Griff?” Whoever she was, she was stunning. And he held her close, in the way a man held a woman he loved.

Madison followed my gaze and almost choked on her drink. “Geez, Griff’s been holding out.”

We both watched in amazement as Griff led the beautiful blonde our way. His eyes held a warning, and I knew not to make a big scene about this new development in his life. Griff was a very private man and if he kept a woman to himself, I figured he had a good reason. And he was entitled to his privacy.

“Ladies,” he greeted us, his arm firmly around his woman’s waist. “I’d like you to meet my girlfriend, Sophia.”

Madison practically jumped out of her chair in excitement. “It’s so good to meet you!” she exclaimed. “I’m Madison and this is Harlow.”

I expected Sophia to shrink from Madison and her overly excited greeting, but instead, a smile graced her face, and she easily stepped out of Griff’s hold. “It’s so lovely to meet you both.”

Griff whispered something in her ear and she nodded. He then brush

ed a quick kiss across her lips and left us.

As we all watched him go, Madison murmured, “Griff always did know how to keep a secret.”

Sophia took the seat next to Madison’s and when she eyed the wine bottle in the middle of the table, asked, “Can I please have some of your wine? It’s been a long day and to say I’m a little nervous about meeting everyone tonight is an understatement. Griff’s been holding back on introducing me, wanting time just for us, and while I’m the kind of woman who is willing to wait for my man to get stuff sorted in his mind, I’ve been dying to meet you all. And then he just announced last night that tonight was the night, and I kinda went into panic mode. You know, the whole, ‘what will I wear’, and ‘I’ve gotta get my hair done’, and ‘holy shit, I need new shoes’… So I’m thinking a glass or two of wine right about now would be good.” She stopped rambling and took a deep breath while eyeing us with the kind of look a woman gives another woman when they desperately need to be understood.

I couldn’t help it, I laughed. Pushing the wine bottle her way, I said, “Knock yourself out. And can I just say, you are not at all the kind of woman I ever expected Griff to date. And I mean that in the best possible way.”

She poured herself a glass of wine, took a sip, and then said, “We’re a little bit different, yes.”

Madison had sat back down, and was staring at Sophia in what could only be described as wonder. Leaning her elbows on the table, she demanded, “Tell us everything – how you met Griff, how long you’ve been dating, all about you…we need to know everything.”