I reached for her hand and held it. “Sharon, everyone’s definition of strong is different depending on the life experiences we’ve each had. You were strong in the only way you knew how, and you protected your children through it all. You have to give yourself credit for that. As far as me wondering about your marriage, I never judge another woman’s choice in a man because I’m not the one walking in their shoes. I can never know what has happened to them in their life that they feel compelled to make that choice. Someone with family support and self belief possibly wouldn’t stand for domestic violence or cheating, but a lot of women don’t have that, or don’t feel they have that. The rest of the world needs to stop judging women for the resources they don’t have. It would be a nicer world if instead of judging, we helped. And I sure as hell will never know the intricacies of any relationship because the only people who will ever understand that are the two people involved.” It hurt my throat so much to say all this, but it was important to me for her to hear what I wanted to say so I pushed through it.

She squeezed my hand as tears fell down her cheeks. “Thank you,” she whispered.

I passed the tissue box sitting on the table to her. “You don’t need to thank me for something that should be a given in life. But I want you to know that I am here for you. I’m not sure if I have much to offer you, but I’ve always got a shoulder and a listening ear.”

She smiled through her tears. “I’m sorry to dump all this on you when you’re so sick. I ran out of friends over the years; they all deserted me when they couldn’t stand Marcus.”

I swallowed back the tears her words induced. “They weren’t your real friends, then.”

Her gaze zeroed in on the way my face contorted as pain stabbed at my throat. Standing, she announced, “I’m going to go so that you can go back to bed and sleep off that pain. Do you need me to do anything for you before I go?”

I shook my head as I stood next to her. “No, I’ve got painkillers and tissues; that’s all I need. I’m going to dose up and go back to sleep.” I wanted to ask her more about the police, but my pain was so extreme and tiredness had washed over me again so I left it for now.

Tomorrow. I’d be better tomorrow and I’d follow it up then.

Surely she was wrong.

Surely the police were looking into something else.



I splashed water on my face and stared in the mirror of the clubhouse bathroom. We’d arrived in Adelaide a couple of hours ago and at the clubhouse about fifteen minutes ago. Tired eyes stared back at me. The trip had been exhausting and my body craved rest, but we had shit to take care of. There would be no rest. Not now, and not until we’d taken care of Julio once and for all. Patience and I were developing a relationship, but it wasn’t one I wanted to pursue. With each passing day, my restlessness

grew. I needed Julio dealt with, and yet, we had to make sure we did it right. His connections ran deep and the last thing Storm needed was a pissed off connection.

“Scott, you ready, brother?”

I turned to face J and nodded. “Let’s do this.”

He returned my nod and we headed out to the main area of the clubhouse where Bourne waited for us.

Bourne’s eyes met mine as we entered and I struggled to figure out what lay behind them. In his forty years, he’d clearly perfected the art of hiding his thoughts and emotions.

“To what do I owe the pleasure of Scott Cole visiting me?” he asked as we approached.

I didn’t have the time to beat around the bush, nor the inclination. “Can we speak in private?”

His eyes narrowed at me before he nodded. I left Nash and J with the Adelaide members and followed Bourne into his office. After he’d shut the door behind him, he crossed his arms over his chest and said, “Spit it out.”

Not much ever changed with this man – he wore grumpy like a second skin and always had. At least he was predictable in that respect. In other ways, he had to be one of the most unpredictable men I knew. “Julio Rivera. You know him?” I watched carefully for any level of recognition in his eyes.

He nodded once. “Yep. He owns the drugs in this state. I’m not a fan of the man.”

“You’ve got an agreement with him?”

“I do. But I don’t like it.”


“Why the fuck do you think?” He unfolded his arms and pulled out his phone. After scrolling through it and finding what he was after, he said, “I want the asshole gone so Storm can have his territories.”

“You’re looking to expand?” It wouldn’t surprise me – he’d always had a God complex.

“I want the entire State.”

Of course he fucking did. I raked my fingers through my hair. “How the hell are you planning to do that? From what I know, Julio has a strong hold on it and everyone in it.”