How long have I been asleep for?

“You sound awful, baby.”


My heart soared even as my pain kicked up another notch.

“I feel awful,” I whinged. “Can you just do all the talking, ‘cause it hurts to speak?”

He didn’t say anything for a moment and then – “Fuck, Harlow, I’m sorry I’m not there for you.” His regret rang loud in his tone.

“No, don’t be sorry, I’m okay. It’s just a cold and I’m a whinger.” I rallied every ounce of positivity I could muster in the hope he would worry less over me. “And besides, your mum is looking out for me. How’s your trip?”

“If there’s one thing I’m sure of it’s that you’re not a whinger, so don’t try and give me that bullshit that you’re fine when I know you’re not. I’m gonna send one of the boys over to look out for you.”



I sat up straight in the bed to gather myself for this conversation now. If he intended to send Rogue over, this could get messy, and messy was the last thing I wanted for Scott now. Not when he needed to concentrate on what he was doing in Adelaide.

“No, Scott, please don’t send anyone over. Your mum and Madison are all I need, and they’re here for me. I’ll be very upset if you pull one of the boys off Storm work when I know you need all hands on deck.” God, it hurt my throat to say all those words. I just prayed he would listen to me.


I waited.

He blew out a breath. “If you get worse, I’m sending someone. And you won’t argue,” he stated forcefully and I knew to let it go. I wouldn’t get worse and if I did, I wouldn’t let on.

Time to change the subject. “So you guys are doing okay on the road?”

“Don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing there, Harlow,” he said in his bossy voice, “And yes, we’re making good time. We’ll be in Adelaide sometime tomorrow morning.”

I ignored his bossy ways. “Good. I’m happy to hear that.” And relieved.

A knock on my front door distracted me so I missed what he said next. When he said – “Harlow?” – I shifted my attention back to him.

“Sorry, there’s someone at the front door. It’s probably your mum.” I moved off the bed to pad out to the door.

“I’ll let you go, sweetheart. You ring me if you need anything and I’ll make sure you have it.”

I smiled at the love I heard in his voice. “I will. And ring me when you get to Adelaide so I know you’re safe.”

We ended the call just as I pulled the door open.

I frowned.

I hadn’t been expecting to open the door to that.


“Hello, officers.”

“Good evening, Miss. We’re looking for Scott Cole. Is he home?” Out of the two officers standing in front of me, the one who spoke looked like the nice one. The other dude looked to be the asshole.

“No, he’s away this week. Can I help at all?”

The asshole spoke next and ignored my question completely. “When is he back?”