He didn’t answer me but rather, stood staring at me. I guessed he was processing what I’d asked. Finally, he said, “Three.”

I frowned. “What?”

“We will reassess in three months time, but I’m telling you now, I’m not giving up on this. I’m gonna find a way to make it happen and I’m also gonna have you on your back as often as I fucking can.”

My core clenched at the last part of his statement and I felt relief that I’d been given a three-month reprieve. I’d find a way to change his mind. I stepped into his space, laid my hand on his chest again and said, “The part about having me on my back sounds good. If we had kids, you wouldn’t get that as often.”

“What? Sex?”

“Yeah. Kids would cut back on your sexy time.”

“Not fucking likely, babe. And if that’s what you’re worried about, I’ll put your mind at ease right fucking now.” He ran his hand over my ass as he said, “There’s nothing that could come between me and your pussy, baby. Not a fucking thing.”

Oh god, J was dangerous. If he realised just what his dirty mouth did to me, I could be in trouble over this baby thing. His words and his voice were like candy; I wanted more and would never get enough. They could make me do things I didn’t want to do.

I pulled out of his embrace and asked, “What time do you want to head home today?” It was the last day of our mini bre

ak and I knew he had club stuff to get home for.

His brows pulled together as he watched me closely. “You changing the subject?”

I shrugged and attempted to distract him from the matter at hand. “No, I’m just wondering if you’ve got time to do something for me before we go.”

“If it involves my mouth or my dick, then we’re good to go, babe. Always got time for that.”

I smiled. “Yeah, it involves both of those.”

Grabbing my hand, he muttered, “Don’t think I don’t know what you just did because I know exactly what you’re up to.”

As he led me back towards our hotel, I said, “It worked, though, didn’t it?”

“Don’t get too far ahead of yourself, babe. When I’ve got my mouth on you soon, I might play dirty and get you to agree to shit.”

“You wouldn’t dare!”

He chuckled. “Of course I would. You don’t think I know what my mouth does to you? And my cock? Fuck, if I wanted to, I could make you agree to all kinds of shit while fucking you.”

“Two can play that game, J. I could just as easily make you agree to stuff just by saying no more often.”

He laughed and looked at me walking beside him. “I think we both know there’s no way you could ever say no to me. Not for any length of time anyway.”

Shit. He had me there.

* * *

“J!” I screamed as his tongue licked my clit and his hand reached up to grasp my breast. His fingers played with my nipple and I shut my eyes as I let the sensations he was causing wash through me. J knew exactly what I liked and he never failed to give it to me.

He pushed his tongue inside me for a moment before pulling it back out. I opened my eyes at the loss of the pleasure he was delivering and found him watching me. His eyes were full of desire and I smiled at him.

I placed my hand over his hand on my breast and entwined our fingers. “Did you get tired, baby?” I asked teasingly.

He moved fast and a moment later was positioned over me, his face close to mine, his hands planted either side of me on the bed. “Only way I’m getting tired today is if I fuck you into exhaustion, and we’re nowhere near that yet,” he growled.

My pussy clenched at his words. “We’ve got a couple of hours till we have to check out of the hotel, so you’d best be getting a move on. Takes a lot to exhaust me.”

His eyes flashed heat and his breathing grew ragged. A second later, he pressed his cock against my pussy but didn’t push inside. He watched me intently as he did this. J knew the effect it would have. As he began moving it through my wetness, I wrapped my legs around him and attempted to push up into him to take him inside. However, he wasn’t having any of that and pulled back. “Time to work for it, baby,” he said.

I raised my brows at him. “Really?”