I love that she was waiting for me. “It seems we had similar plans, sweetheart. Maybe we should go see the world together while we’re both on a break.”

Her eyes widen and her smile grows. “I’d love that.” I can hear the excitement in her voice and suddenly dancing in the rain with her sounds like the best damn thing I’ll ever do.

Thank you, Claudia.



I hold Jett’s hand with a strong grip as we enter the charity dinner he’s performing at tonight. There’s a huge turnout and I don’t want to lose him in the crowd. After the event organiser contacted him a week ago and asked the band to perform, ticket sales went through the roof.

He finds our table and pulls out my chair first. Once I’m settled, he sits next to me. Turning to me he pushes a stray hair off my face and asks, “You okay?”

“Yeah. You?” Tonight’s going to be hard for him and I’m doing my best not to keep asking if he’s okay, but I’m concerned.

His face softens. “Yeah, baby, I’m okay.”

“You’re going to be amazing.”

We’re interrupted by West who drops into the seat next to me and says, “We’re already amazing, Presley. I thought you knew this.” He gives me a wink and I shake my head at him.

“Yes, I’m very aware of how amazing you are, West,” I play along with him. I really do love hanging out with the guys, but West is by far the cheekiest one and a lot of fun.

He breaks out in a huge grin and looks at Jett. “If you fuck shit up with Presley again, all bets are off, and I’m staking a claim.”

I hold my breath and wait for Jett to lose it but he surprises me with a smile. He places his arm around my shoulders and replies to West, “I’ve got no plans to fuck this up again and as far as you taking a shot, I’d like to see that. She doesn’t take shit from anyone so I doubt she’d put up with yours for longer than a day.” His tone is fun and I realise he’s not even phased by West’s flirting.

West lets out a low whistle. “Presley, I think you’ve tamed the beast. I can’t even get a rise out of him anymore.”

Van has just arrived and joins in the conversation. “I think they’ve tamed each other. Presley’s gone soft, letting him get away with shit she never did to begin with.”

I smile at him and he gives me a chin jerk, which is pretty much Van’s way of smiling.

Van continues, directing this at me. “You two have been back together for nearly two weeks now and I’ve seen him easily change your mind at least three times. You didn’t even put up a fight.”

Laughing, I say, “What can I say, my man has his ways of convincing me, and let me tell you, those ways are the best I’ve ever sampled.”

Van holds his hand up at me. “Stop talking, babe. Jett’s head is already big enough; you don’t need to give him another reason.” It’s not often Van joins in with a joke so I savour this. While he’s nowhere as moody as he has been, he’s still grumpier than your average guy.

Hunter turns up while Van is giving me hell for succumbing to Jett’s charms. I greet him with a smile, and he asks, “Are you all ready for tomorrow?”

Excitement bubbles through me. “Yes, I can’t wait.” Jett and I leave for Paris tomorrow. We’re starting our three months away in France and even though I’ve visited that country before, I’m so happy to be able to experience it with the man I love.

Hunter is about to say something further when a familiar voice sounds from behind me. “Evening.”

Mr Kentucky Fire himself.

I turn to find Diesel smiling down at me. “Hello, darlin’,” he greets me with that sexy smile of his.

“Diesel,” I say, hoping like hell Jett doesn’t lose his cool.

Diesel chuckles and turns his attention to Jett. His voice softens when he says, “Sorry to hear about your sister, man.”

Jett nods, his expression growing serious at the mention of Claudia. “Thanks.” And then he adds, “And thanks for bringing your band tonight and supporting us.”

“Sure thing,” Diesel replies and then nods his head in the direction of another table. “I’d better get back to keep them in line. I just wanted to say hi.”

I watch him walk away and then ask Jett, “What was that about? How is his band supporting you?”