“Yeah, but we need to get it right, so we don’t turn fans off.”

“What are you doing now? Wanna come over?”

“I can’t. I’m on my way to see Presley. I’ve got stuff to fix with her after we had a fight last night.” Claudia knows about Presley and although she hasn’t met her yet, she’s happy I finally have a girlfriend. She’s been on my case to stop screwing around for years.

“Shit, Jett, you had a fight last night and you haven’t sorted that out yet? If I was Presley, I’d be even madder at you by now. Have you at least spoken with her today?”

“No,” I admit, “I’ve been busy working all day.”

She sighs. “You really have no clue how this relationship stuff works, do you?”

“Fuck, Claudia, I’ve got shit going on with a lot of things at the moment. Presley knows that.”

“Oh God, you need to pick up your game, big brother. I’ve seen the photos of Presley you sent me and she’s hot. If you don’t look after that relationship, another guy’s gonna come along and show her what she’s missing.”

Irritation crawls through me, and I slam my hand on the steering wheel. “Fuck, you think I don’t know that? I’m doing the best I can.” The idea of another man even thinking about Presley causes my jealousy to spike. And I fucking hate it as much as Presley does but I’m helpless to stop it. The woman has me all tied up in knots.

“I suggest you hang up, speed up, and hope like hell she’ll listen to what you have to say to her.”

“I’m going. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

“Good luck, cause I think you’re gonna need it,” she says just before ending the call.

I do as she suggested and press my foot harder to the pedal. Presley’s place is less than ten minutes away, but ten minutes feels like too long after that phone call.


When I pull into her car park, the knots in my stomach are worse. I never worry over stuff like this so this is another new feeling for me, and again, I’m not fucking liking it. Damn Claudia and her advice.

I park the car and jog up to the front door of her apartment building. She doesn’t answer when I buzz her apartment to be let in so I press it again and wait. Still no answer so I pull out my phone and call her. I’m just about to hang up when she answers.

“Jett, it’s late, and I’m not in the mood to talk to you now.”

Yep, she’s pissed. Fuck, Claudia was right.

“Well, I’m in the mood to talk to you. We need to clear the air after last night.”

“I’m not sure we would clear the air if we spoke now. Let’s leave it until tomorrow.”

“No, I don’t want to wait until then.” My voice is forceful; I need to see her.

She’s silent for a beat and then she gives me a break. “You’re not going to leave, are you?”


Silence again, and then, “Fine.” And the door buzzes open.

A couple of minutes later, I’m at her door where she’s standing with it open, waiting for me. Her face shows no sign of happiness to see me but I don’t let that stop me. By the end of our conversation she’ll have come around. I’ll make sure of it.

“I missed you today,” I say, willing her to believe me.

“Yeah, my phone records would prove that.” Her tone is ice cold but I plough on.

“Can I come in?”

She holds her arm out to let me in but doesn’t say anything. I resist the urge to take her in my arms because I figure that won’t go down well with the mood she’s in, so I walk past her and into her living room. She joins me a moment later, but keeps her distance, and waits silently for me to talk. Her shoulders are tense and there’s no sign of a smile anywhere.

“I’m sorry I didn’t call you today. I’ve been working since eight this morning and didn’t get a chance.”