And then I see it.


She cooked me dinner and it’s still sitting on the kitchen counter ready to be eaten.

“You didn’t eat?” I ask and the question sounds pathetic even to my ears.

Her eyes bulge. “No! I didn’t eat.” She reaches for an empty bottle of wine and holds it up. “I drank instead.” The sound of the bottle hitting the counter echoes around the kitchen, making me wish like hell I could go back a few hours and have a do-over.

“Presley, you’ve gotta know how sorry I am, baby. I had some bad news and I completely lost track of everything while trying to deal with it.”

She softens a little at my explanation and says, “Go on.”

I take this as an invitation to move closer to her and she doesn’t halt me in my progress but rather continues to watch me intently, keen for me to elaborate. My need to touch her is so out of control that I can’t stop myself. I reach out and try to take hold of her waist but I misjudge it and take hold of her shirt instead. She doesn’t stop me so I keep hold while I talk. “I found out today that my share portfolio took a hit and I lost about thirty percent of its value so I’ve just spent the last three hours going over it with my financial guy. I’m sorry I let you down, but I was so thrown by the whole thing that I wasn’t thinking straight.”

“Shit, I’m sorry, Jett.” Her hand covers mine that is holding her shirt and her touch instantly calms me a little. The only other person in this world who is able to calm me like that is Claudia.

“Pretty much all my money is tied up in those shares so it freaked me the fuck out for a moment there,” I admit, laying my insecurity out for her like I wouldn’t for anyone else. I need her to understand why I blew her off, though, and if this is the only way to do it, then so be it.

“Did you guys come up with a plan?” she asks as she takes a step in my direction.

My natural instinct in this moment is to pull her close now that she’s signalled her retreat from being pissed at me, but I play it cool and let her come to me. Easier said than fucking done because although she took a step, she didn’t take another, and I just want her to take those next two steps and wrap her arms right around me. Fuck, I want my lips on hers, and my hands on her ass, but I rein in my desire and focus on allowing her to take control of this.

“Yeah, we’ve gone through it all, and he’s advised me of what he thinks I should do and I’ve agreed to that, but shit, it’s fucking hard to think about the loss from today. I just hope to hell the market doesn’t crash further.”

“I hope so, too.” Her words leave her mouth as she takes one more step.

The anticipation rushes through me and I feel like a fucking junkie craving a fix. I don’t think I can hold myself back much longer. If she doesn’t take that last step soon, I’m going to lose my cool.

She takes the last step and I exhale when her arms slide around my waist and end up planted on my ass. Her lips come to mine for a moment and then she feathers kisses down my neck, causing my dick to jerk.

“Fuck,” I groan, needing more and trying like hell not to rip her clothes off. For once in my life, I’m trying to let someone else have the control.

“Is that a ‘fuck, keep going’ or a ‘fuck, stop’?” she murmurs against my neck while her hand moves over my ass.

“That’s a don’t-you-fucking-stop fuck,” I say and move my hand to her breast. “I’m so fucking sorry I sent you that text tonight. My head was out of the game for a moment there.”

She undoes my jeans and takes hold of my cock. “Do you think you can get your head back in the game long enough to fuck me?”

And I’m done.

My restraint comes crashing down and I sweep her off her feet and carry her into the bedroom. Throwing her down on the bed, I pull my shirt off and rip my jeans and boxers down. My eyes meet hers and I growl, “My head’s back in the game one hundred fucking percent. You want me to fuck you? Just try to stop me.”

I kneel on the bed over her and pull her to a sitting position. A moment later, I’ve got her shirt and bra off and am working on her shorts. We frantically work together to get them off and when she’s naked, I tell her how tonight’s going to go down. “Tonight you’re gonna ride my face.”

Her eyes blaze with lust and she nods before kissing me. Her tongue plays with mine and there’s an angry feel to it. She’s forgiven me for sending that text, but hell, if she wants to take her lingering anger out on me, I’m down with that.

I let her end the kiss and then I ask, “You still pissed at me, sweetheart?”

Her eyes stare into mine. “Kind of. I don’t want to be, but I am.”

She gives me the honesty I love from her and I take hold of her hair and pull her head back with it. “First you ride me, then you fuck me however you want. And, baby, the rougher the better,” I say with force.

I watch her take that in, and the moment I see the switch in her mind flip, I know we’re in for some good sex tonight. She takes charge and pushes me back on the bed, my head at the bottom of the bed in the corner. Next minute, she’s standing and positioning her pussy over my face.

Fuck yes.

I reach my arms back so I can put them around her hips and hold her to me. Looking up at her from this angle is fucking hot; an eyeful of pussy and ass is any man’s dream. I grab her hips and guide her pussy along my tongue, and she begins a rhythmic grind on my face as I bury my tongue in her, reaching deep in her core.