“No, they seem set on it now so I’ve just gotta go with it.” I stop chopping for a moment and find her gaze. “You have no idea how happy I am to have found you. To have found someone who isn’t part of this industry and who isn’t dazed by the superficial bullshit. Don’t get me wrong, I love my job and wouldn’t change it for the world, but to know I’ve got you to come home to makes all the shit bearable.”

She holds my gaze and doesn’t say anything for a moment. Her voice is strangely quiet when she finally acknowledges what I’ve said. “I’m here for you and I could care less about that fake shit.”

Something seems off but I can’t pick what it is. “You okay?” I ask her because it feels like she just pulled away from me then.

The smile that forms on her lips should put me at ease but it doesn’t. Instead, it seems forced. But when she reaches out and takes hold of my hand and squeezes it, that gesture feels genuine. “I’m okay. I’m just thinking over what you said and I hate that you feel boxed in like this.”

My worry eases at her words. They were definitely honest.

Thank fuck, because although she’s only been in my life for a short time, I’m hooked.

I’m fucking addicted to her.



“Did you tell him?” Erin asks as she settles in for coffee at my kitchen table.

I sigh and slump a little in my seat. “No.”

“Why not?”

“He came over and cooked me dinner last night and was upset about stuff his band is doing at the moment. And then he said he was happy to have found someone who doesn’t work in his industry.” I stare at her. “So I could hardly tell him then, could I?” The knots in my stomach intensify as I discuss this with her. I know it’s stupid but I can’t help it.

Erin assesses me. “You’re stressed about this, aren’t you?”


“I don’t understand why. It’s just a job opportunity and even if you take it, it doesn’t mean you have to take any more jobs like it. And honestly, I don’t think Jett would care if you did take it. I’m sure he meant he’s glad you’re not a singer or in a band.”

I fiddle with a piece of paper that’s on the table. “I’m not even sure I want this job, and, besides, I’m supposed to be on a break.”

“God, Presley, what’s wrong with you? It’s like you’ve thrown your balls away and grown a huge fucking vagina. Since when did you let a man dictate your work to you? You certainly didn’t let Lennon have a say in that so why are you even taking Jett into consideration? Especially when you’ve just met him.” She seems so exasperated with me that I’m almost sure she wouldn’t say no to physically slapping some sense into me.

She’s right, and yet, I’m still stuck where I am. “I really like him,” I blurt out like a freaking teenager.

Erin stares at me and then breaks out laughing. “I know you do, but that doesn’t mean you have to give up you in the process.”

I drop my head into my hands on the table. My body is tense from the stress I’ve caused myself, and I know that’s stupid but I can’t help it. I finally look back up at her. “I know, and I’m fighting not to, but damn it’s hard. Jett’s got magic fucking charms and I’m falling hard.”

“Are you interested in the job?”

Conflicting thoughts run through my head at her question. The job offer is from another band, Diesel, who want me to photograph their current tour. They saw the few photos Crave shared of mine from their concert and loved my style. It would mean a few months on the road with them.

A few months away from Jett.

Just when we’re getting to know each other.

But it could be the start of a new career track for me.

My phone rings and I almost jump out of my chair. “Hello,” I snap into the phone as I answer it.

“Presley.” It’s my manager, Michael. “You’re still alive.” I don’t miss the sarcasm there.

“Yes, as a matter of fact I am,” I throw back.

“Funny that, because I thought you were going to get back to me with an answer for Diesel by now.”