“I have no clue. Jett’s organising a car to come pick you up and take you to the hospital.”

She looks at him in awe and then gives me a dreamy grin. “He’s got a good reputation, you know. Goes through women, apparently, but a nice guy regardless. It’s so nice of him to do this for me.”

“Oh god, you know that most of the shit you hear in the press is crap so I don’t know why you listen to that rubbish.”

She shrugs. “It’s Jett Vaughn, babe. I’ve been following him for years. I can’t believe I’ve met him, but bloody hell, why did it have to be when I look like shit?” She pauses before her eyes light up again and she adds, “Fuck, I can’t believe he’s your one-night stand.”

I laugh and wink at her. “Yeah, he’s the guy I had my lips wrapped around when you rang.”

“How the hell did you get so lucky?”

I’m just about to answer her when Jett comes back. “Sorry to interrupt, ladies, but I’ve got a car waiting downstairs for us.” He looks at Darla. “I’ll carry you down if you’d like.”

I’m sure she’s about to burst from either pain or excitement and I would bet good money on the latter.

She’s tiny, and he easily carries her to the car. Me? I’m still in shock this man gave up a blow job to take my friend to the hospital.

Chapter Two


I lean against the wall in Darla’s hotel room and watch Presley look after her friend. God, she’s beautiful. I’ve met some stunning women in my life, but Presley has that something else to go with her beauty. And that shit puts her above the stunners with no personality. Watching her now, I see kindness and compassion, and it stops me dead in my tracks because it’s not often I come across those anymore. Most of the women I meet these days are fairly shallow, and while I’ll fuck them, I don’t want to spend any time with them. Presley’s different. I’ve known her for less than six hours, and I’m already planning our next three dates.

We got back from the hospital half an hour ago. Darla hasn’t broken her ankle. It’s just a bad sprain so they sent her back here with drugs and instructions for rest and ice.

She leaves Darla, who is almost asleep, and walks to me. “It’s late, Jett. You should go get some sleep.”

“Aren’t you forgetting something?”

She frowns. “What?”

I bend to whisper in her ear. “Your lips. My dick.”

I hear her suck in her breath and know she’s keen but her eyes betray her tiredness. “Oh, that,” she murmurs. And then her tummy grumbles.

Cupping her chin, I ask, “You hungry?”

A small smile pulls at her lips and she puts her hand to her stomach. “Yeah.”

I nod. “Okay, let’s go get you something to eat.”

“It’s nearly three am. I’m sure you must have stuff planned for today. Don’t you want to get some sleep?”

I grab her hand. “What I want to do is feed you, sweetheart. Sleep can wait.”

She covers the surprise I see on her face with a grin and squeezes my hand. “I know your game, dude. You just want to get me fed so I’ll have the energy to finish that blow job.”

I stifle my laugh so I don’t wake her friend. Dragging her out of the room, I ask, “How is it you know me so well after such a short amount of time?”

“Men... you’re all the same. If there are lips on offer, you’ll do almost anything.”

“Guilty as charged.”

“So, where are you taking me?”

“I know a little café that’s open all night. They make the most amazing food.”

“Oh god, don’t tell me that. I’m trying to lose some weight at the moment, and amazing food is the last thing I need. I don’t know how to stop when the food is that good,” she complains.