Chapter Five


Me: I kicked ass.

Michael: Knew you fucking would. Thank god my ass is spared.

Me: No your ass is still on the line because now I’m at the after party and these people are nearly as bad as those fucking models I hate.

Michael: Leaving town now...

“What are you laughing at?” Jett asks as he comes up behind me and slides his hands around my waist. They settle on my stomach, and I look down taking that sight in. I like it. A lot.

“I wasn’t laughing.”

His chin rests on my shoulder and his warm breath feathers against my neck as he speaks, causing a new rush of desire to pool in my stomach. “Not on the outside, but I can tell that something has amused you,” he says.

I debate whether to be honest with him and then think to hell with it. I’ve never censored myself for anyone before, so why start now? “I was just texting my agent and told him I am going to kick his ass for this job.”

“You didn’t enjoy it?”

“No, I did enjoy it. I just don’t care much for the people at your after party. I told him they’re almost as bad as the models I’ve been subjected to for years.”

A voice booms from beside me. “Oh yeah, they are.” It’s West. “I totally agree with you there, babe.” I remember the day I met him at the airport. He flirted with me enough to piss Jett off, but even then, I could tell he was only doing it to rile Jett up. I don’t know him, but West seems to care for Jett a lot.

Jett’s hands tighten around my waist, and he pulls me closer to him. “Don’t you have a groupie to entertain, West?” His voice is deep and growly as he asks this, and I can feel his body has tensed up.

“Calm the fuck down, dude. I’m not after your woman, but she’s cool to talk to. You think you can handle it if I just talk to her for a bit?”

I bite my lip to stop myself from laughing, and West winks at me.

Jett straightens and he repositions me so I’m pulled tight against his side, his hand firm around my waist. “Yeah, I can handle you talking to her, but seriously, take your fucking eyes off her body.”

West shakes his head and pins Jett with a glare. “You’ve never cared before.”

“Yeah, well I care now.”

They glare at each other for a few moments and then a scantily-clad woman sidles up to West. She gives me a filthy look as she puts her arm around him. “West, you said you wouldn’t be long, but you’ve been gone for ages. Are you coming back now?” Her voice has that breathy, sexpot tone to it, and I take an instant dislike to her. I don’t care what anyone says, women like that give the rest of us a bad name.

West rolls his eyes and removes her arms from his body. “No, I’m busy.” He doesn’t tell her to leave, but his tone speaks volumes, and she understands it. Scowling at me, she huffs and then saunters off.

“Why is that my fault?” I’m pissed and have to restrain myself from following her to give her a piece of my mind.

West chuckles. “Because you’ve got my attention and she hasn’t. Clearly, it’s your fault.” He throws a wink in while he says this.

“I like you, West. And that’s saying something because I dislike most people,” I tell him.

A huge smile spreads across his face. Looking at Jett, he says, “Don’t fuck this up, asshole. She likes me, and I like her, which is more than can be said for all the other women you chase.”

Jealousy rears its ugly head again. I hate this feeling and am reminded why I said I’d never date a rock star again. The constant state of wondering and worrying your man will stray is something I don’t want to have to deal with again.

I can hear the scowl in Jett’s voice as he replies, “Fuck off, dickhead, and stop flirting with her.”

West holds his hands up in a defensive movement. “I’m out of here.” His gaze shifts to the door, and his eyes light up. “Fuck me, I’m gonna tap that tonight,” he says and heads off in that direction.

Jett and I turn to see who he’s talking about, and I’m impressed to discover West has taste. The woman he mentioned has a classy look to her rather than the slutty, groupie look.

I swivel in Jett’s embrace so I’m looking up at him. Smiling, I say, “West seems like a cool guy.”