Page 9 of Collected Poems

a spectacle to stir the heart

of a child. But all he vouchsafed

was one slow deadpan look of total

unrecognition and he began again

to swivel his enormous head away

to mope as before at his empty distance….

She shrugged her shoulders, crossed

herself again, and took him away.

Air Raid

It comes so quickly

the bird of death

from evil forests of Soviet technology

A man crossing the road

to greet a friend

is much too slow.

His friend cut in halves

has other worries now

than a friendly handshake

at noon.

Biafra, 1969

First time Biafra

Was here, we're told, it was a fine

Figure massively hewn in hardwood.

Voracious white ants

Set upon it and ate

Through its huge emplaced feet

To the great heart abandoning

A furrowed, emptied scarecrow.

And sun-stricken waves came and beat crazily

About its feet eaten hollow