“Your shoes are getting wet, Maizy.” He moved closer and gestured for her to climb into her car. Her pumps were getting wet, along with her lace catsuit. The reminder made her cheeks hot.
“But I still don’t understand.” She climbed into the vehicle and started it. They shut the door and she rolled down her window as they squatted down so she could still see them. Even squatting down, they were massive in their combined presence, which completely blocked the rain from coming in the window.
Cody checked his watch and smiled. “Let me try again to explain. We’ve been looking for you because we wanted to meet you, Maizy. It sounds to me like your ex didn’t care for you being the center of attention. I’m glad to hear he’s an ex. We were disappointed when we couldn’t find you after you’d finished dancing.” She glanced from one handsome face to another. They seemed sincere.
“Well…I’m pleased to meet all of you.”
“And we want to go out with you.”
She turned her key in the ignition and jumped in surprise when a horrific grinding sound erupted from the starter. Then her eyebrows rose and her jaw dropped. “I’m sorry. What?”
Spencer said, “You know about Patrick, Beck, and Lucy, right?” He was so solemn. So purposeful.
She nodded dumbly and then shook her head to clear the surprise. “Of course.”
Cody put his big hand over hers on the rolled down window. His warm touch was surprisingly reassuring, given the direction the conversation had just taken. “We want to go out with you.”
Heath grinned and his eyes took on a wicked twinkle. Oh, you’re in trouble, girl. That’s a panty-dropper of a grin. She looked at Spencer and he verified Cody’s words with a nod, but no hint of a smile. He seemed the most serious of the three.
And all three of them were squatting outside her car in the rain asking her out on a date. Me?
Cody released her hand and patted the car. “We’ll let you get on to work. You’ll call me?”
She saw the hope in his eyes, in all their eyes, and she wondered in what universe stuff like this happened because it didn’t happen to her. She recalled her thoughts from earlier, that being free of Chaz might lead her to the life she was intended to have. Yeah, sometimes a door closes and a portal to an alternate reality opens up!
She blinked her eyes again. “You want to go out with me. All…three of you? I need to be clear on this.”
The hint of vulnerability in Cody’s eyes and sensual curve of his lips knocked her off-kilter. “You have it right. Call me?”
She grinded the starter again and bowed her forehead to the steering wheel. “Poor baby,” she said and patted Gertrude’s dashboard. They probably thought she was off her rocker.
When she turned back to her window they were all grinning but she didn’t see ridicule in their eyes. They seemed like they understood.
Spencer put his hand on the hood and said, “Please be careful on the wet roads.”
Maizy was a little surprised at the real concern she saw in his golden eyes. Chaz had hated her Bug but he’d never cautioned her about driving in the rain.
“I will. I’ll call you.”
They nodded and backed away from her car as she put it in gear and reversed carefully.
Heath gave her a little wave and she smiled and waved back. Yeah, that was crazy. What’s even crazier is the fact that I didn’t turn them down right on the spot. I need to talk to Lucy!
Four minutes later, she was waved through the road construction just down from her school by a construction worker who smiled and winked at her as she passed him. She chuckled and rolled her eyes. Several of them had been flirting with her for the last two weeks as she’d come and gone from the school each day.
Construction was going on in the large parcel of land next to Divine Memorial Elementary School, where a brand-new, state-of-the-art middle school was being built. Construction was projected to take several months, and until then she had to factor driving delays because of the necessary roadwork.
Besides the noise and an increase in the amount of dust finding its way into her classroom, the construction has caused another exciting development. All the critters nesting and living in that wooded acreage were seeking new digs and several had found their way into the school. She giggled as she recalled the start the school librarian had received when she’d walked into the library one morning, flipped on the lights, and been faced with a female opossum and her babies. How it’d gotten into the library was still a mystery. Thankfully, they had a custodian who didn’t mind dealing with small varmints.