Spencer looked at Heath and Cody and then down at himself and smiled. They were all dressed the same, in ratty jeans, old T-shirts, and worn-out sneakers. And thanks to Mr. Fisty-Grip, what they had on was now coffee-stained. Probably not the best impression they could make. She continued staring at them, waiting for an answer, and Spencer wondered if she’d made Cody, the usual spokesman of their trio, as tongue-tied as she made him.
Chapter Three
The butterflies went ballistic in Maizy’s stomach as they stood there gazing at her. The mist slowed and she shivered as a breeze blew through the parking lot in direct contrast to the wave of heat that rose up inside her as if she were wrapped in her mother’s electric blanket.
Her finger caressed the button on the pepper spray canister. She hoped like hell she didn’t have to use it because these three looked too good—too hot—to be true. Any one of them was way-out-of-her-league gorgeous but all three of them together, staring at her like that, was downright overpowering. What did they want? And why were they dressed like bums?
Am I being Punk’d? She darted a glance around for a cameraman but the parking lot was empty except for the cars parked in front of the coffee shop. Then she glanced at her watch.
“If there’s nothing I can do for you, gentlemen, I need to get to school.” Shoot! Don’t share personal information with strangers, not even hot, gorgeous strangers!
The tallest of them, a veritable giant, with eyes so dark brown they looked nearly black and wavy black hair that reached past his shoulders, stepped a little closer. “We didn’t mean to frighten you, ma’am.”
“You didn’t frighten me,” she replied quickly. The quirk of his eyebrow, which had a slight tilt to it because of an old scar, told her that he knew the truth. “Well, maybe a little.”
The handsome giant smiled and her heart lurched. She was willing to bet his bedroom eyes got him laid—a lot. “Then let me start over. I’m Cody Welsh.” He gestured to the blond giant who was only slightly shorter than him. “This is Heath Lindsey.” The blond giant nodded and gave her a smile that was almost shy, but he took her captive with the heat in his exotic pale green eyes. “And this is Spencer Ketchum,” Cody said as he gestured to the dark-headed giant on his other side. Spencer’s dark brown hair was close-cropped, and the same color as his neatly trimmed goatee. His eyes were the color of melted gold. She took a step toward them as she slid the pepper spray back into her purse and held out her hand.
“Hi. I’m Maizy Owen.”
Cody glanced at her outstretched hand and then back into her eyes. She was about to retract her hand when he took it gently between his. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Maizy.” Instead of shaking her hand he brought it to his lips and her jaw dropped.
No one had ever kissed her hand. No one. She clamped her trap shut and glanced at the two others. They both looked at their friend with mild surprise, but he just looked pleased.
Cody finally released her hand and heat coursed up her arm from the point where his lips had touched. Static filled her brain as she searched for something to say. “You’re standing in the rain.”
Good one, Captain Obvious!
Heath, the blond giant, squinted up at the sky and then shrugged. “It’s not as bad as it was and we…we really wanted to meet you. We’ve…” He looked at Cody, who just kept staring at her as if he wanted to do that all day. “This may sound crazy but we’ve been looking for you for a while.”
The dark-haired giant, Spencer, nodded and she thought she saw relief in his eyes. It was also clear in the long sigh he let out. He didn’t seem like the type that showed vulnerability to anyone.
“You have?” She glanced at her watch again.
Cody pulled his wallet from his back pocket. It was a nice wallet, in direct contrast to his scruffy attire. “Could I give you my card? We don’t want to make you late for work but we’d really like to talk to you.”
She accepted the card and looked at it. The Twisted Bull Nightclub and Chantilly’s Steakhouse. Then she looked at the three of them, a little confused. Did they want to sell her some steaks?