This is going to be a fantastic day. I just feel it.
* * * *
Spencer Ketchum sat in the booth at Divine Drip, opposite of Cody and Heath. His brain was barely functioning after another late night at the Twisted Bull and then an early morning working on their house. The three of them were seizing any chance they had to make progress. They’d ripped out the carpeting and put down ceramic tile and had finished the exterior renovations.
He was stoked as hell that they were finally painting the interior, erasing the bright color scheme. Several containers of paint in a calm off-white were in the back of his truck and they were tackling a room per day until they were all done.
Sipping his coffee, he mentally rubbed his hands together, anticipating the next project. The back deck. His baby. He’d expanded his plans to include a deck with an outdoor room and a new water feature. But instead of the usual pond or fountain, he was putting in an antique tub he’d found, complete with hot and cold running water.
The outdoor room would be enclosed by trellises that he’d plant climbing vines on, to provide shade and privacy for the retreat, which was intended for their woman…when they finally found her. He wondered what she’d think if she knew he was building that secluded spot so he could make love to her in the dappled sunlight or under the stars. He let out a slow breath as the tingling in his groin increased.
“He’s thinking about her again.”
He became aware of Cody and Heath both watching him with amusement in their eyes. A wide grin split Heath’s face and he chuckled. “Welcome back, man.”
Spencer laughed and covertly shot him the bird as he lifted his coffee cup to his lips. “What? Like you’re not?”
Heath shrugged unapologetically. “We all are. It’s the house. Working on it keeps her on our minds.”
Spencer nodded and removed the top from his cup of coffee and reached for the sugar shaker.
Movement in his peripheral vision drew his eyes and he saw a little brunette waiting in the line at the front of the shop.
On the surface she looked conservative, except that she was wearing sexy heels. He loved a woman in heels. The pattern on her black lace stockings led his gaze up to where they disappeared inside her school-marmish skirt. The ends of a brightly colored scarf trailed down the back of her shoulder over her cherry-red top, and when she turned in profile, he could see she’d used it to pull her curly hair back from her pretty face. She had long black eyelashes and darker-hued eyes.
Spencer looked at Cody. “What?”
Cody pointed at Spencer’s coffee cup. He looked down and realized he’d been pouring sugar the entire time he’d been watching the dark beauty. Good thing he liked his coffee sweet. He put the sugar aside and picked up his spoon to stir and looked over Cody’s shoulder again.
She was next in line. He grinned when he realized why she’d caught his eye to begin with. She was wiggling her hips, just barely, to the closing refrain of “Magic Man.” She seemed like she was fighting the urge because she kept going still, then a few seconds later, her hips would twitch again. She was really cute. He was almost sad when the song ended.
“She must be really something,” Heath said, laughter lacing his voice as he sipped from his coffee.
Spencer looked down at his cup, trying to rein in his inner horndog. He hoped again he wasn’t being foolish by buying into Heath’s belief that their little belly dancer was out there somewhere and they were bound to come across her eventually.
At night, she still visited his dreams, with her toned but sweetly curving legs, her waist and hips making his hands twitch with the need to stroke her warm flesh. He felt a little guilty for looking at the young woman in line when what he wanted was the woman meant to be his. Theirs.
The three of them grinned when the classic rock station that Cassie favored began to play their song. “Black Magic Woman” by Santana. Or at least it had become their song since their belly dancer had danced to it the year before. All three men smiled at each other and Spencer took it as some kind of sign. Judging by the satisfaction in Heath’s eyes, he was having similar thoughts.
Cody and Heath both turned to see who he was looking at and he directed his gaze to the beauty who had just reached the front of the line. She was chatting enthusiastically with Cassie as she leaned her palms on the counter, unaware of how delicious she was from his point of view. Her ass swayed with the tune, and she turned ever so slightly, giving him a view of the most luscious set of full breasts he’d ever seen. They’d fill his hands perfectly.