Heath looked in over Cody’s shoulder. “I think the walk-in closet in here butts up to the one in the den. Who needs a closet in a den? I’d rip out the wall and increase the master closet space for her, maybe even make it a double-decker since the ceilings are high enough.”

Cody chewed his lip but could no longer resist the urge to smile. “Our woman is going to be spoiled rotten.”

Spencer flexed the hand he’d bruised the night before at work, dealing with a rowdy drunk. “She will be, if we can ever find her.”

Cody was reminded why they’d made this decision. They’d grown up together in foster care and had known each other for most of their lives. Heath had always had a sixth sense, which had come in very handy as they’d looked out for each other while growing up, and also in their jobs. He believed it was one of the reasons they made such a good team, providing security at the Twisted Bull nightclub. Heath had insisted from his gut that they’d find her, and experience had taught Cody that there was usually something to his gut feelings.

Images of red and orange silk sliding sensually over tanned calves, giving a teasing glimpse of sweetly rounded thighs came to his mind. A supple waist, full breasts, and a smooth throat that begged to be kissed.

Spencer looked over at Heath again. “You’re still sure?”

Heath gave a single nod. “I’m sure.”

Spencer said, “I’m gonna be so pissed if she’s already taken.”

Heath shook his head. “We’ll find her. Trust me.”

Cody turned from the bathroom and looked at them. “Regardless of whether we find her, or when, we need to agree that this is what we want right now. It’ll take some time to make the necessary changes. I know it’s what I want.”

They’d decided the previous fall, right after going to work for Camilla Parks and her husbands, Ben and Quinten, what they wanted. To share a life, and a woman, with his foster brothers. Best friends who all loved the same woman. It made sense that they’d need to find a house that would work for their needs because none of their bachelor apartments would do. “Worst-case scenario, we get this place, fix it the way we want it, and wait until the right woman comes along.”

“She will,” Heath murmured. “I know it.”

Because Heath’s instincts had proven right on so many occasions, that was good enough for Cody. He looked from one man to the other. “Begin as we mean to go on?”

Both men nodded and then broad smiles crossed their faces. They might not know where she was just yet, but the future was spread wide in front of them, and beginning as they meant to go on gave them someplace to start. It was time to get to work.

Chapter Two


Maizy parked her aging VW Bug in the row of cars and trucks outside of Divine Drip early on the first day of the new school year. The sun was barely even up but she was already running full steam ahead. She had to in order to keep up with fifteen five- and six-year-olds. Just the thought made her heart jump. She couldn’t wait to get started. Couldn’t wait to get to know them, coax their little hands through their first attempts at writing, and see the twinkle in their eyes the first time they read a word and understood exactly what they’d done. She loved her job so much it hurt. It was a great feeling to know without a doubt that she was living up to her calling.

She opened her umbrella and climbed from the Bug. If her hair got wet, it would be wild for the rest of the day. Even though this part of Texas was still dead center in the middle of summer, she felt the distinct early morning crispness in the air that would dissipate the moment the sun was up higher. “Thank you,” she whispered as she breathed it in.

Divine Drip was the center of activity in Divine at that time of the morning, and she smiled at everyone and no one in particular as she joined the hustle and bustle. Cassie and her two kids, Tamara and Joseph, and Joseph’s friend, Sam, were working the front counter and the drive-thru like a well-oiled machine. The baked goods case was loaded with pastries, and the scent of fresh tortillas floated in the air, along with the simmering ingredients that would fill them. The scent of chorizo made her mouth water as she joined one of the lines of customers and she returned the greeting when Cassie saw her and waved.