She was barely aware of the waiter placing her plate in front of her. She cut a bite from her steak to test it for him at his request and she told him it was perfect even though she barely tasted it.
“You’re not originally from Divine?”
All three shook their heads and Heath said, “We’re from San Antonio. At least that’s where we were born.”
“Oh.” Maizy wasn’t sure what else she should say. “I’m glad you live here now.”
Spencer gave her a slight smile and his golden-brown eyes held her gaze. “We are, too.”
They sat enjoying their meal for a few minutes, commenting on the food and making small talk. Curiosity finally overrode her concerns and she said, “Will you tell me about the house?”
Cody described the inside of the house to her, at least until he got to the kitchen and then Heath took over, telling her about his plans for feeding her the best meal she’d ever eaten now that the kitchen was mostly finished. She giggled and then turned to Spencer who had sat so quietly for most of the exchange.
“Did you finish painting this week?”
“Most of it. We still need to paint the den and do a little touch up in the master bathroom once the new tub is installed.”
“New tub, huh?”
Spencer chuckled deeply, making that rumbly sound she’d enjoyed before, and his eyes twinkled as he said, “And once we finish with that, then we start on my project.”
“What’s your project?”
“We’re adding a deck onto the covered back porch, with a special water feature, all beside the pool.”
“You have a pool?” She knew she did a poor job of hiding her enthusiasm because the men all smiled.
“Yes,” Cody said. “Spencer is planning on working our asses off turning the backyard into an oasis.”
“Awesome. Chicks dig pools.” She could hardly even say it with a straight face.
Cody touched her chin when she turned to look at him and he said, “We only have interest in what one particular chick thinks of our pool or anything else we have.” His tone was serious and the levity deserted her.
“I understand.”
The tension grew between them but it wasn’t a negative sensation and didn’t make her nervous. Nonetheless, it was there.
“How is your filet, Maizy?” Heath asked. “That was a tiny cut of meat. Was that enough to fill you up?”
“It was very good. Medium rare, just the way I like it. And I’m getting stuffed. How was yours?”
Heath grinned. “Cold in the center. Perfect.” He looked like he was waiting for her to comment.
“Yum. I don’t like overcooked steak, especially not a nice cut of beef like that.”
Spencer looked askance at the red juice left on Heath’s plate. “I think the vampire here takes it to the extreme though.”
“Nah,” Heath said, “I just like how tender it is and the way it melts in my mouth. That’s how it should be,” he murmured as he looked at her and Maizy nearly gasped as her pussy responded to the desire in his gaze. It was obvious that his mind had skipped to another more carnal pleasure than just eating.
He could get my panties off in no time if he was determined.
Heath plied her with questions about her family and they explained how they knew her brother, Beck, and Lucy. Eventually, it was time for her to leave for Morehead. She was to meet Lucy, Grace, and Jayne at the bridal boutique for a fitting before they went shopping.
They walked her out to her car after paying the bill. She saw three really nice Harleys parked side by side in the parking lot and Spencer must’ve taken notice. “Those are ours. Have you ever ridden on a motorcycle?”
Maizy shook her head, making her curls bounce. “Nope.”
Spencer gave her a smile and said, “If we can see you again, I’d like to give you a ride sometime.”
She couldn’t imagine how it would be to fly down the road on one of those. She’d always imagined that she’d feel terribly vulnerable and unsafe but the three of them wouldn’t have invested that kind of money without knowing how to handle one. She could picture herself behind Spencer, or any of them, feeling totally safe.