“Thank you.”

All three men towered over her but she didn’t feel intimidated. In fact, she kind of liked being in the center of all of them.

Slow down! This is crazy! Her hormones were ignoring the voice of reason because she didn’t feel quite as nervous anymore.

“Your table is ready, sir,” the hostess said as she returned to the lobby for them. “We’ve set the one you asked for.”

“Thank you,” Cody said as he took Maizy by the hand and drew her alongside him, with Heath and Spencer following. Her hand felt tiny wrapped in his much bigger hand. Her entire backside felt warm and she wasn’t sure if that was just residual nerves or if they were staring at her. She looked back at them as they entered one of the smaller dining rooms and the heat in Heath’s gaze told her it wasn’t just nerves. He grinned, as though he was acknowledging that she’d caught him, and she wanted to kiss him.

Kiss him? I barely know him! Her inner vixen wanted to strangle that pesky voice of reason. She smiled back at him and felt like a temptress as she kept walking, more aware than ever of the way her hips swayed with each step. And what a fantastic sensation that was. She just hoped she didn’t get in over her head.

Uh, hello? You’re on a date with three guys all equally interested in you? “Over your head” is a dot on the horizon.

Cody pulled her chair out for her and helped her get seated before any of them sat down. What an odd sensation to be treated to such manners.

“What?” Heath asked as he sat opposite of her at the secluded table in the corner. Since they’d come in at the end of the lunch shift, they had the dining room to themselves.

She watched them remove their silverware from their napkins and place the linen in their laps. “You have nice manners.”

Heath and Spencer grinned at Cody, and then Cody said, “There’s a special lady in our lives that we have to thank for you noticing that fact.”

“Your mom?”

Cody nodded. “Far as we’re concerned, yeah. She’s actually our foster mom. She was a stickler for good table manners.”

She toyed with the edge of her napkin and said, “You don’t have to do that, you know.”

Heath arched an eyebrow. “Why? Have you never dated anyone who had good manners?”

Maizy shrugged, wishing she’d kept her mouth shut. “I have but it always seems to fall by the wayside. I just mean you don’t have to try to impress me. I’m already impressed.”

“You are? Good,” Cody said as he turned to face her. “But we’re not using good manners to impress you. We were taught good manners by a good teacher. It sounds like you dated guys who saw manners and impressing you as a means to an end.”

After considering it, Maizy said, “Maybe so.”

“We have other ways to impress you. We don’t need to use common courtesy to do that,” Cody said with a smile as he opened the menu.

She took a breather as she consulted her menu until the waiter approached. He greeted the men as if they were regular customers and wrote down their drink orders.

The waiter returned with their beverages and took their orders. Maizy ordered the petite filet with squash casserole and a Caesar salad.

Cody’s order was as straightforward as he was. “I’ll have the sixteen ounce T-bone, medium rare. Baked potato with butter and that’s it. And a salad with ranch dressing.” The waiter nodded and looked at Spencer.

“Give me the chicken fried steak with fries on top and cream gravy on top of that.”

“Any other sides? A salad maybe?”

“No, thanks.” The waiter nodded and then looked at Heath.

Heath said, “I’ll have your filet mignon with a baked sweet potato, and salad with ranch dressing.”

“How would you like that filet cooked, sir?”

“Is Bobby working today?” Heath asked in reply.

At the waiter’s smile and nod, Heath grinned and said, “Tell Bobby I said to clip its horns, wipe its ass, and serve it up.”

The waiter grinned and scribbled on his pad. “Very rare. I’ll let Bobby know you asked for him.”

Once the waiter was gone, the men turned their attention to her. She knew she had a million questions to ask but they all deserted her. Miss Tongue and Miss Lips were suddenly mute.