“I think the three of you would make great dads. I can imagine a little boy with your dark eyes and your smile, and another with Heath’s personality and his green eyes, and a serious little boy who takes after Spencer and melts girl’s hearts with one look from his golden eyes.”
“Now who’s waxing poetic, angel?” he said with a smile. He could envision them just the way she described them. “What about little girls? I want a little girl with her mommy’s wild curly hair and sweet brown eyes the color of molasses. She’ll probably give her daddies fits.”
“Just wait until the boys take interest in her when she’s a teenager.”
“Can you imagine the reign of terror we’ll have on all her boyfriends?” He gleefully imagined the three of them meeting the boy foolish enough to ask their daughter out, on the front porch, ready to have a “little talk.”
“And what if we have all girls?”
“I feel gray hairs sprouting at the thought. I’d rather focus on just you for right now. We’ll deal with the babies when they come.”
She kissed him and giggled as he kept imagining the future and said, “You’re thinking of buying a shotgun, aren’t you?”
“It pays to be prepared.”
Sighing happily, she snuggled up in his arms again. It was a fanciful notion but it really did seem as though the future was laid out before them. He laid his head beside hers and they drifted until it was too cool to stay outside any longer. She shivered when he moved around her but didn’t wake as he carried her inside, snagging her garments on the way in. It was later than he’d thought when he glanced at the clock, so he tucked her into the bed and turned down the lights for when the guys arrived home from work.
Chapter Thirty
A week later, Maizy frowned when her friends, Lucy, Grace, Jayne, and Rachel prodded her in through the doors at the main offices for the Divine Independent School District, located just down the road from the elementary school. The parking lot was full of cars and as Rachel held the door open she could hear many voices inside the central meeting room. Maizy didn’t want to be there.
“Why am I here?” Maizy groused to Lucy as they kept her moving forward. She was relieved when she saw Cody, Heath, and Spencer there, and then worried. As they came to her, Maizy asked, “I thought you were all working tonight. What’s this all about?”
Cody kissed Maizy’s forehead and said, “Lucy called us and asked us if there was any way we could get at least part of the evening off. We rearranged the schedule with a couple of the guys and they’re covering for us. I don’t know what’s going on.” Heath and Spencer both shook their heads and shrugged before kissing her forehead, too.
Grabbing Lucy’s arm, Maizy pulled her close and said, “Come on, sis. Confession time. What did you do?”
Lucy grinned like the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland and said, “I didn’t do…much. When I found out what was happening after we got back from our honeymoon, I just made a few calls.”
“I didn’t know about any of that. You were doing that while I was still teaching?”
“Sneaky, I know, but it was necessary. I called some parents and grandparents and we found out when the next school board meeting was. I’ve never been involved with a school before now, but with PJ in kindergarten, I felt like it was time to become active. If women like Tabitha Lester, who doesn’t even have a child in this school district can have as much influence as she does, someone needs to get involved, stand up, and call her on her bullshit. Grace, Jayne, and Rachel are here for moral support, since they have kids, too.” The girls all nodded when she turned to look at them. “Teresa said she would’ve been here, too, but little Isabella has a respiratory infection and she didn’t want to leave her.”
Maizy nodded in understanding. “Poor baby. That happens when they have older siblings in school. But why are we here?” she asked as Lucy motioned her to one of the back rows where there were still seats available.
Several of the attendees turned, and when they saw her, they came to greet her. Many of the people she spoke to were the parents of kids she’d taught in years past or in the current year, but none of them would tell her what was going on.