“I left Miss Owen with no choice but to quit. You leave me with no choice.”
After disconnecting, she called her church pastor, and then placed the phone on the table, feeling marginally better. She wished that she’d told Maizy all of it. She lifted the flowers to her nose and contemplated how to address the school board at the next meeting. It was time to pass the baton to the next generation anyway.
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Cody was standing in front of the stove when he heard Maizy come out of the master bedroom. Heath and Spencer had left for work just a few minutes before. Cody called out, “I hope tomato soup and grilled ham and cheese sandwiches are all right with you. Heath’s the cook in the family. My skills are bachelor-basic.”
Maizy’s voice echoed in the hall. “That sounds perfect, actually. I could use some comfort food tonight.” Her final day at school had been a rough one and he was happy that she was staying with them for the entire weekend.
He nearly burned himself on the soup pot when he looked up as Maizy sauntered into the room. She was dressed in the beige gauze and lace jacket with a matching gauze- and lace-trimmed skirt and…and nothing else. A walking dream come to life. The gauze was so sheer it was obvious she wore no undergarments. His cock tingled to life and hardened as he turned off the burners and went to her.
“Damn, baby.”
“Do you like your surprise? I wanted to save it for a night when we were alone.”
“Like it? I’m speechless,” he murmured as he skimmed his hands around her waist and then slid them down over her bare hips. The ankle-length nearly sheer skirt wasn’t particularly voluminous and was slung low on her hips with a long slit up one side. “Damn. This is a nice surprise. Turn for me?”
She held on to his hand and turned slowly, revealing the curves of her barely covered, luscious ass. She had the most gorgeous legs. He trailed a fingertip over the dimples above her tailbone and she broke out in gooseflesh as she turned to face him again. The dark, rosy peaks of her nipples were pressed against the gauze fabric of the jacket, which was tied below her breasts.
“This is a matching outfit. When I bought it, I wondered where I’d ever be able to wear the skirt, but now I know. I’ll wear it for you.”
“I love it,” he said as he pulled her lush warmth against him and brushed his lips against hers, wanting access. He swept his tongue into her mouth and stroked her in a sensual unhurried rhythm meant not to overwhelm her but to bring out the wanton in her. It worked, as she moaned and held tightly to him, demanding more.
They were both panting when they finally stopped to draw a breath and he said, “I need to feed you first.”
As if in answer, her stomach growled and they both laughed. “I am starving. I didn’t have much appetite at lunchtime.”
“Understandable. So you gave Mrs. Dumphrey the rattle?”
She took the seat he directed her to in the breakfast nook and nodded. “Yes. I’ll be honest, Cody. I wanted to shove it in her face, and tell her that it was the three of you who saved her, and that she should be ashamed for judging us. But she’s an old lady, and set in her ways. She already seemed so upset and apologetic before she even knew I had it. She knew who you were from the beginning. When I finally showed her the rattle, after she asked me to, she was very impressed…and very grateful. I had the impression she’s changed her mind about you, actually. Not that it makes any difference. She even hinted at trying to fix everything but I stopped her.”
“You did?”
She nodded. “It’s done. I’d just as soon move on.”
She’d tried to be nonchalant about resigning only a couple of months into the school year, but he had a feeling she’d need time to mourn that chapter in her life closing before moving on. All three of them were prepared to help her in any way they could. He brushed her curls back from her shoulders and stroked her slender neck with his fingertips and then laid another kiss on her lips.
“Now that you’re a free woman, want to move up the wedding date?”
They’d originally set a wedding date for November so that they could take advantage of the Thanksgiving holiday she had from school to enjoy a short honeymoon. Now they could take a little longer if they chose. She sighed with delight as she took a spoonful of the tomato soup from him. “You’re full of wonderful ideas tonight. Are you thinking a Justice of the Peace?”