She’d reminded them that they’d need to sign in at the receptionist’s office first before coming to her room and told them again that they didn’t need to go to so much trouble but he and Cody and Spencer had all been in agreement. The last two weeks had been hard on her and they weren’t worried about what anyone in the office would say if all three of her men showed up. What could they do? Fire her?
The woman perched on a chair behind the reception counter got big eyes when the three of them entered the main office. “Can—Can I help you, sirs?”
Spencer moved up to the counter and said, “We’re here to see Maizy Owen. We’re dropping off her lunch and a gift for her.”
“Oh, I see,” she said, gawking at the large multicolored arrangement of roses and greenery and then looked at Spencer again. “I remember you. Mr. Ketchum, right?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
The receptionist removed her reading glasses and gave him a sad smile. “I’ll miss Maizy. She was always a ray of sunshine, no matter what happened.”
“Thank you, ma’am.” He picked up the pen and signed the three of them in on the clipboard she handed him. “And if it’s all right, we’ll be coming by at four to help her carry out her belongings.”
“That’s just fine.” She produced visitor’s badges for them and they put them on. A loud thump vibrated through the ceiling and they all three looked up and she chuckled. “Her class is upstairs in the library right now. They sound like a herd of elephants, don’t they? They should be down any minute. The door to her room should be open if you’d like to take everything into her room for her.” She led them into the hallway, pausing for a few seconds as the custodian passed through, nodding a greeting as he dragged several floor mats down the hallway.
At the door, she turned to them and whispered, “I’ve heard the rumors that are going around, some of which aren’t very nice. But I can tell by your expressions that you really do all care for her…obviously, or you wouldn’t all three be here. I just wanted you to know that I think it’s a shame she’s leaving for such a silly reason. Those children couldn’t ask for a better teacher than Maizy. They were crying, you know?”
Cody spoke up then, his eyebrows drawing together. “Who was crying? And why?”
The receptionist lowered her voice and Heath could see tears misting her eyes. She might be a bit of a gossip but it was obvious she cared about Maizy. “When Maizy told them yesterday that today would be her last day. She didn’t want to spring it on them on the last day. She knew they’d need a little time to absorb the news and deal with it.”
“The children were crying?” Cody asked.
“All of them were crying. She told them while she had them in their story circle and I think one of the girls started crying first, and then they all started in. I went to see what was wrong and realized she’d told them when I looked in and saw they were all crying, even Maizy. Oh, she tried to be brave but it was obvious it was breaking her poor little heart.” She bunched her lips up and her voice shook a little when she said, “This is just all wrong. Will you tell her how much I’ll miss her?” She darted a glance around and then departed from them and returned to the office, sniffling as several men in work coveralls came in the front door.
Heath felt powerless to fix the situation, something he very much wished he could do. They walked into the classroom and Cody placed the large flower arrangement on her desk. Movement outside the classroom windows drew his attention and he noticed again the heavy equipment working next door to the school. They’d seen the signs on the construction site when they’d driven up, which announced that the new middle school campus was under construction. Bulldozers were clearing cedar trees and piling them up for burning and leveling the rocky ground.
The sounds of children whispering got his attention and the three of them turned as Maizy took up position at the door, speaking quietly to her students. She glanced their way and broke into a beautiful smile. But even smiling, he could tell from her red-rimmed eyes that the morning had been hard.