“They’ve never said it, but a woman can tell, you know? I guess I recognize the look in their eyes. If you’re attracted to them, then you need to know that.”

“They asked me out.”

“They did?” Lucy replied and lifted her wineglass for a sip.

“They said that they’d seen me before. They asked me, all three of them, to go out with them. They were very clear. They said they’d been looking for me for months.”

Lucy choked and sputtered on her sangria, making a mess in the sink before she yanked a paper towel from the holder and blotted her face.

“Hey! You okay?” Maizy said as she grabbed another paper towel and blotted the wine spill.

When she could speak, Lucy gasped. “You’re the belly dancer? What the fuck?”

Busted. “Um, well…Yeah.”

“You never even came over to our table to say hello to us!”

“Chaz wouldn’t allow it. He was furious because I left him to go dance and he had to stand there while everyone gaped at me in my revealing costume. Anyway. Cody, Heath, and Spencer approached me in the parking lot at Divine Drip this morning and introduced themselves. They’re very…”

“Intimidating?” Lucy growled, holding the tomato knife like a weapon. “Did they scare you?”

“No, not at all, although they are…” Lucy seemed to relax a little with every word.

“Fucking huge?” Lucy’s expression shifted to amusement. “Were you intimidated?”

“Maybe a little at first but they were nice to me. Polite.”

Lucy giggled and continued slicing. “I imagine they were worried about scaring you off. They’re giants after all. I think Cody is six feet six.”

“Oh, at least. That makes him more than a foot taller than me. But when I was standing there with them, once we got to talking, I felt…I know it’s crazy, but I felt safe. They’ve been on my mind all day. Wait,” she said, interrupting herself.


Maizy turned to Lucy. “You said that they’re in love.”

Lucy pointed to herself. “I think they’re in love. At first, I thought they were just looking for this chick because she struck their fancy but I’ve seen them talk about her since then and they’re serious.”

“And they’re renovating a house for a woman they hadn’t met yet? Why? That strikes me as really odd.”

Lucy shrugged and stole a glance at her. “They were sure they’d find you. I was surprised they didn’t give up, actually. The bears bought the house about a month ago and they’ve been working on it every chance they get, from what I’ve heard.”

“The bears?”

“Yeah,” Lucy giggled. “That’s what everyone calls Cody, Heath, and Spencer because they’re always together and well, because they’re big like bears.”

Warmth was spreading in the center of her chest as she listened to Lucy. The affectionate way she talked about them made Maizy feel better…but a house? She didn’t know what to think about that.

By suppertime, the sangria must’ve loosened Lucy’s lips because she said, “Guess what, guys! The bears found their belly dancer.” She giggled into her wineglass as Maizy glared daggers at her.

“They did?” Her little brother, Patrick, who towered over her by nearly a foot, said, “Does she know she gave them fits?”

Lucy burst into laughter. “She does now!”

Maizy nodded. “Yeah, get your kicks at my expense while you can, Lucy. Don’t forget I’m the one planning your bachelorette party.”

Lucy snorted and tried to control her laughter. “Sorry.”

Beck looked at both of them as if they’d lost their minds. “Someone want to decode girl-speak for us guys?”

Patrick’s beer bottle hit the table with a solid thunk and he looked at Maizy with bulgy eyes. “You? That was you behind that mask?”

Maizy’s cheeks gave the answer for her. “Yup.”

“Hey,” Beck interjected. “We were there that night and you didn’t come say hi to us?”

Lucy said, “That douchebag she was engaged to wouldn’t let her stay.”