“Ready for first grade, Jasmine?” Maizy asked, recalling how this precious little girl had struggled the previous year, learning to read. She also remembered the way her beautiful coffee-colored cheeks had glowed and her eyes had sparkled when she read a sentence all on her own the first time. Her heart ached with love for the little girl. That feeling was mingled with hope for her in the coming year.
Jasmine’s mother waved at her from the door, placed her hand over her heart, and mouthed “thank-you” as Jasmine ran back to her to go next door.
Despite the tears and drama of her new students, she was still excited and felt privileged to be the one to help them with their first steps in the world of reading and writing.
The bell rang, startling some of the kids. Ruby began to cry and Maizy comforted her before she got the class’s attention and started the day.
At intervals throughout the day, three handsome faces kept popping into her mind, making it difficult to focus. Each time that happened, her heart lurched. At lunch she found the business card in her tote bag and stared at it. Tossing it would be the best idea but as she looked at it, she couldn’t do it. She felt compelled to follow through on Cody’s request. “Call me.”
During her lunch break, her cell phone chirped with a text message. She picked her phone up from her desk in the quiet classroom, hoping it was a message from Lucy. She sighed when she saw the sender was her older sister, Roberta.
“What now,” she said softly as she opened the message. Roberta had been on the warpath ever since Patrick’s relationship with Lucy and Beck had become a public fact, thanks to Tabitha Lester and her gossip.
“Hey, Maizy! I just wanted to invite you to come to my ladies’ study group tonight. I think you’d really like it. We could eat supper beforehand and get all caught up.”
“Hmm,” Maizy whispered. “Get all caught up on all the ugly gossip Tabitha spews, I’m sure.”
“Is this the class that Tabitha Lester teaches?” Supposedly it was a Bible study, but it was really just that odious woman’s soapbox for all her bitterness.
“Yes! It’ll be awesome tonight, I’m sure. She’s a really strong teacher. Tells it like it is.”
“Sorry, Roberta. It’s the first day of school and I’m sure I’ll be wiped out. I’m not sure I’d attend Tabitha’s study, even on a good day. She’s been really mean to Patrick, Lucy, and Beck.”
“Oh. I forgot about school starting today. I hope you reconsider. And Patrick shouldn’t expect any better if he wants to involve himself in a sinful lifestyle.”
“He’s your brother, Roberta.” Maizy got a chill when she thought of Roberta’s reaction if she knew Maizy was considering meeting with Cody, Heath, and Spencer.
“I know. And I hope he reconsiders this horrible path he is on.”
Maizy scoffed and shook her head. She’d never seen Patrick happier, and it was undeniable that Lucy had been good for PJ. Any time Maizy was around them, she had no doubt that they were good for each other.
“The only thing horrible is seeing you willingly creating this divide in the family.”
“I’m not the only one, Maizy. Dad feels the same way.”
“When I became an adult I started thinking for myself, Roberta. I don’t let Daddy dictate my actions and wouldn’t expect Patrick to allow that either.”
“Fine. Well, I just hope you’re not buying into their choices. The less time you spend around them the better.”
Maizy could feel her food turning to concrete in her stomach.
“Prissy, I love Patrick, Lucy, and Beck, and they have my full support.”
There was no reply to her last message so she put the phone away and finished her lunch. Roberta was probably pouting, waiting for her to message with an apology. She’d be waiting until hell froze over. Roberta had always been a prudish, judgmental nag. She’d only gotten worse with age. Maizy giggled, imagining Roberta’s reaction to those three big men all being interested in her.
At three fifteen, she had her students lining up in the classroom and marching down to the designated pick-up area.
Cody, Heath, and Spencer’s cautious and mannerly approach in Divine Drip’s parking lot came to mind. The gentle way Cody had folded her hand between his and kissed it, Heath’s twinkling eyes and sexy grin, and Spencer’s quiet concern about her driving in the rain. The memory tugged at something deep inside her that she couldn’t pinpoint.