“I’d like that.”
She hadn’t realized the men were tense until all three of them suddenly relaxed and let out long breaths. They weren’t taking anything for granted. The fact that they’d had their hopes up like that and masked it made her feel special. They’d have let her turn them down, let her walk away at this point, and she never would’ve known.
She smiled up at them after Cody opened her car door for her. “I’ll see you tonight after supper. I’m not sure what time we’ll get there, though.”
Heath replied, “That’s okay. We’ll reserve a table for you and make sure you’re taken care of.” He bent down so he was face-to-face with her. “May I?” His intent was clear in his gaze.
She nodded and saw the triumphant sparkle in his eyes before she closed hers. He cupped her jaw in his palm and his kiss was gentle, nearly chaste, until he brushed his tongue between her barely parted lips for just a moment. Her whole body vibrated with unfulfilled tension as he drew back and smiled at her. Left her wanting more.
As Heath moved back, she looked up at Spencer. He bent down and gave her a gentle kiss, too, less pushy than his friend but so very like him. Cautious. Hopeful. And she wanted more. When he started to draw back, she leaned toward him, taking just a little more. His smile was her reward when she opened her eyes, not realizing she’d closed them. Her face felt flushed as she then looked up at Cody. So tall. So masculine.
I’m so done for.
Chapter Seven
Cody smiled down at Maizy, enjoying the dazed look in her eyes. He couldn’t pretend that he wasn’t damned relieved that she was giving them time to win her over. He hadn’t considered the ramifications to her job until Heath brought the point up the night she’d called. He’d been prepared for her to tell them she just couldn’t take the chance.
He stroked her arm, thinking again how beautiful she was. The jacket gave her a gypsylike quality with her tousled, curly locks. From the moment he’d seen her in it, he’d pictured her in a flowing skirt of the same nearly sheer material, the jacket, and nothing else. He’d imagined being able to see teasing glimpses of her nipples and the shadowy apex of her thighs through the gauzy material and his cock had tingled to life and been in need of containment ever since. Her delicate fragrance, not perfumy, just a blend of her clean skin and soap, had filled his senses with…her. The fact that she was taking the chance with them intensified the sensations.
An ongoing conversation nearing their spot made her eyes flash open from their aroused, half-lidded state, and he frowned. She tilted to look around him and a look nearing panic came over her face. Looking up at him with sincere regret in her eyes, she climbed into her car. Cody glanced at Heath and Spencer who were both frowning and nodded at them.
Heath bent down so he could see her in the Bug. “Be careful today, Maizy. We’ll see you tonight.” She nodded at him and Spencer when he echoed Heath’s words before they walked to the bikes.
The group slowed and Cody didn’t recognize any of them but noticed that two of the women in the group were staring at Maizy’s car. The older of the two glanced at him and his departing brothers and she frowned and arched her eyebrow, making her opinion clear in her expression.
He made eye contact with Maizy as he squatted down and didn’t know what to make of her panicked expression. She put her hand over his on the doorframe and whispered, “I have to go. Please forgive me for cutting you off like this. I wanted—” The remorse in her eyes made his heart clench. Was she changing her mind now? “Can I explain when I see you tonight?”
“We’ll still see you tonight?”
She glanced at the group, obviously noting the way both women still stared, blanched, and then turned to him. “Of course. I just need…it’s complicated. I still want my kiss.”
Cody didn’t realize he’d been holding his breath. “All right. But when I kiss you tonight, it’ll be on my terms.”
The unfocused quality came back to her eyes as she whispered, “I understand. I’ll see you tonight. Be safe.”