Three guys. Three hot guys. Breathe. It would be so embarrassing if she walked into O’Reilley’s and passed out from nerves. In her mind’s eye, she kept seeing their massive combined presence crowded around her car door. Their handsome faces and expressive eyes.
She’d obsessed about the date to the point that all she could think about was those men. Had she blown it out of proportion? She’d felt a connection with Spencer from the moment she’d laid eyes on him as she walked out of Divine Drip. She’d passed it off as the enthusiasm she felt about starting school, but later, she’d had to admit that it was there. Then they’d all approached her. They didn’t have to convince her they cared. She’d seen it in their eyes.
Three guys. Is it possible to care this quickly about three guys? Even with one it would be—should be—a stretch.
She let out another long breath and pulled the key from the ignition and climbed from her Bug. They’d looked at her car like it was a deathtrap. Poor Gertrude, she might be a lightweight in the rain but she’d never left Maizy stranded on the side of the road. She patted Gertrude’s top and walked to the restaurant entrance, adjusting the ties on the sheer gauze and lace jacket she wore over a red camisole.
Lucy, Grace, and Jayne had been all for visiting the Twisted Bull after their planning session was done later that evening and she’d needed an outfit that would work for a night out as well. She felt good in her Wranglers and boots as she walked up to the door and pulled it open.
And there they were in the lobby. They hadn’t gone ahead and gotten a table. They’d waited for her. They stood as she walked in, dazzling her with their warm gazes.
The lobby was deserted except for the four of them and the men took full advantage of that fact. She barely had a chance to draw a breath before Cody came close and slid a gentle hand around her upper arm as he kissed her temple.
His scent was a pleasant mix of spicy body wash and laundry detergent, with an underlying hint of his unique fragrance. Warmth against her palm drew her attention to the fact that she’d slid a hand up his muscular back to his shoulder blade. Clearly her subconscious wanted to touch them, trust them. He was so bulky and warm and his smile, when she looked up at him, set her at ease and put all her senses on alert at the same time.
“Hi,” she murmured in a husky voice that didn’t sound like hers.
He gave her a sexy, yet shy, smile and murmured, “Hi yourself.”
She turned to the man next to him, Spencer, and smiled up at him. His gaze was warm but there was a reserved quality to it, and she wondered if perhaps he was a little nervous, too. The thought made her want to reach out to him, to reassure him, and wasn’t that just crazy?
She reached with both hands and hugged him around the waist, hoping that was okay. His arms slid around her and the pressure he used as he held her for a second was…just right. His body heat seeped into her through the fabric of his T-shirt and she hesitated in letting go. She smiled to herself when she felt, more than heard, a deep rumble in his chest and looked up at him. “Hi, Spencer.”
His eyes were focused solely on her and he whispered, “Hi, baby.”
His endearment made her cheeks warm. She smiled as she released him and noticed the distinctive tattoos decorating both of his arms as far down as his upper forearms. At a glance, she recognized tribal tattoos and a couple of beautifully detailed floral designs. The desire to stroke his arms and look closer was hard to ignore.
She turned to Heath, who had a devilish twinkle in his eyes and a smile on his sexy lips to match. She couldn’t help but grin back at him.
“Hey, Maizy-honey,” he murmured before he stroked her shoulders and leaned down to kiss her cheek. His lips were warm and sent a wonderful shiver all over her body. She bit her lip when the sensation even spread to her pussy, which was suddenly copiously wet. Yes, her body already wanted them. All three. And that was just crazy…wasn’t it?
Cody said, “You look beautiful today.” His eyes roamed her body and centered on her jacket for several seconds and he smiled to himself. The long-sleeve jacket was made from off-white gauze and lace in a bohemian style that tied just under her breasts.