She kissed his cheek. “Thank you again, Mr. Ambrose.”

Maizy smiled at Jean Goodman as the tiny little woman reached for her and pulled her into a tight hug. Maizy’s eyes leaked a little as Jean said, “Maizy, from the moment I heard about you, from all three of them, I knew you were perfect for them. I like the fact that you don’t let Cody boss you around too much.”

Maizy stifled a giggle, recalling that he’d divested her of her panties at the first opportunity. It was for that very reason that she’d purposely worn them beneath her wedding dress that day.

“It’s all about give and take, isn’t it?” Jean asked with a bright smile and twinkling eyes.

Yes, while I’m giving him my panties, he thinks he’s taking them.

“And be mindful of Heath when he’s being Mister Funny Man, okay? Sometimes he’s covering deeper feelings with all that kidding and joking around.”

“I promise you I will, Jean. I’ve noticed that about him at times.”

“And that Spencer. Honey, he loves you so much. I can just see the worship in his eyes. You must be one hell of a woman to have captured all their hearts so completely.”

Maizy blushed and hugged her again. “I love them very much, Jean, and I promise I’ll take good care of them.”

Jean nodded and looked deeply into her eyes and said, “And you know, they’re very strong men. You let them take care of you, too.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Now, they all keep looking over here at us like they miss you. Maybe you’d better go see what they’re up to.”

Grace’s father-in-law, Joe Warner, joined them right then and asked Jean for a dance. Jean winked at her and gave her a parting kiss on the cheek before following Joe to the dance floor.

Maizy gathered her skirts and looked for her bears in the crowd, thinking how fortunate she was. Knowing the woman her men looked upon as their mother had given her blessing on their relationship meant so much to her.

She finally found them, clustered in a group with several other men, involved in what must’ve been a deep conversation, as riveted as Ethan, Ben, and Quinten were with what Cody was telling them. Ethan leaned forward and asked a soft question she couldn’t quite make out as she approached. Cody said, “Houston Texans,” as though it tasted terrible in his mouth. Maizy giggled, thinking that that rivalry had become the standing joke in their house.

Ethan, Ben, and Quinten all burst into loud laughter and Ethan finally said, “Well, you know what they say about a really good woman being capable of making you change your religion. I think maybe that applies to football teams, too.”

Cody smiled warmly at her as she drew near, good humor in his eyes as he said to the men, “You’re never getting me in a Texans jersey.”

“Never,” Heath vowed.

“Nope,” Spencer added with a shake of his head.

Ethan took out his wallet and held up a one hundred dollar bill. “Put your money where your mouth is, my friends. I give it a year.”

Having overheard the exchange, Grace chuckled and patted Cody’s shoulder consolingly. “You’re going down, gentlemen. What sizes do you wear?”

Ethan smiled at Maizy and reached out to hug her as she put her arm around his waist. “So what did you get for winning the bet, Maizy?”

Maizy giggled and said, “A lady never tells, Ethan. I just got married today. You wouldn’t want me to wind up in divorce court tomorrow for divulging secrets, now would you?”

“No, but I’m willing to bet that they enjoyed the payment on losing that bet as much as you did.”

“Let’s just call it a mutual win.”

Grace winked at her and said, “Did the bears tell you their news yet?”

“No. What?”

Grace smiled at Cody and said, “I’ll let them tell you. I’m dying to dance with someone.”

Ethan clasped his wife’s hand and said, “That would be my cue, gentlemen. Congratulations, Maizy.” He pecked her cheek and then slipped away with Grace to the dance floor while Ben and Quinten made their excuses and went in search of Camilla, arguing over who got the first dance.

“What news do you have to tell me?” Maizy asked as the three of them closed in around her, forming a warm cocoon with their warm hands and even warmer eyes.