Maizy gaped at him and blushed. “You took my panties? I thought I lost them somewhere between my house and your house.” She flushed as she held back giggles and lightly whapped him on the arm. “You’re a bad boy. I had to go without when I got dressed this morning.”
Cody growled softly and said, “Which means you’re wearing a garter belt and stockings…and nothing else?” Maizy looked around to make sure the kids weren’t watching them.
She nodded and giggled as Spencer rubbed his hand over his goatee and gave a low whistle.
Cody arched an eyebrow and smiled at her. “That’s it. No more panties.”
“You can’t—” Maizy began to say but Cody cut her off.
“I know I can’t but you’ll let me just the same.”
The kids were getting restless and had their curious eyes glued to their teacher. Maizy gulped and said, “You may have a point there, Mr. Welsh.” She flashed a “this discussion is not over” look at him and said, “If you don’t mind, I’d like to sit in the cafeteria, to keep an eye on them. They’ve had some teary and clingy moments today and I don’t want to leave my volunteer to handle that alone.”
She fanned herself and looked at them as she directed her students to line up, and Heath liked that she now had a smile on her face again, at least for a little while.
The custodian hurried past them, talking into a cell phone, followed by the receptionist. She stopped to tell Maizy the construction workers next door had broken a waterline that was connected to the school so for the time being their water supply was shut off. “It’s just a lucky thing lunch is ready, otherwise the kitchen might be in dire straits.”
Maizy smiled and grabbed a bottle of hand sanitizer off of a shelf and led the class into the hallway. Heath admired her conservative but sexy outfit as she lined them up, squirting hand sanitizer in each of their little hands. She chatted with the students as she went down the line, grinning mischievously as she made the men take some too, to be good examples for her students.
They paused as another class entered the cafeteria first and Heath looked around, remembering the large elementary school he’d gone to. It had been much more institutional than this small town school. Maizy’s school was a warm place with colorful walls and hallways that echoed with laughter.
He glanced in a classroom as they approached the turn to the noisy cafeteria and something made him pause. The hair on the back of his neck stood up and he put up his hand and gestured, automatically slipping into work mode using sign language.
“Heads up. Two o’clock.”
The guys were paying attention to him because they didn’t bump into him as Maizy’s class filed through the door leading to the cafeteria.
“What?” Cody asked softly.
The wind caught the door at the end of the hall and it swung back before stopping at its propped open position again. He could see fenced off playground equipment just beyond the exit.
“Classroom on the right.”
The elderly teacher stood perfectly still, staring at him with fear literally oozing from her. It was the look of fear in her eyes that had caught his attention a few seconds before. Given his work, he was used to reading people.
The back door was open. Was someone in her classroom that didn’t belong? The deathly pale woman looked like she was breathing hard and she reached out a hand to steady herself against her desk. The cafeteria doors swung closed again and quiet descended for a moment before the air was filled with an ominous rattling sound.
Barely audible, Spencer whispered, “Snake? Shit.” Spencer hated snakes with a passion. Good thing Heath didn’t mind them so much.
They inched closer and Heath held up his hands to the cornered woman in a gesture intended to reassure her. She blinked at him and then looked at the floor just a few feet in front of her.
Already armed with a strategy, Cody whispered, “Spencer, go out the back door, come in through the opened window behind her, and get her out of the way. Hurry, she looks ready to faint. Heath, creep in behind it. I’ll slide along the wall and distract it away from her.”
They wasted no time. Heath slipped between the rows of desks and softly said, “Ma’am, we’re going to help you. Just be still and try to calm your breathing.”