My “relationship” with them satisfied all our needs. Mutually beneficial.

An enormous tattoo sprawled across Silas’s chest and down his arms, and as he stepped behind her and put his hands on her hips, the pattern in the ink moved along with the flex of his muscles. She was still dressed, and he had on a pair of boxers, but he tugged her back against him, grinding his hips into her ass.

“Get naked,” he ordered. When she froze, and he realized his mistake, he tacked on, “Please.”

He had to move when she backed off the bed, so he came to me. The mattress shifted as he climbed onto his knees, and I tried not to roll into him as he knelt beside my head. He palmed himself through his boxers—black ones with tiny maroon dots.

There was a glint of silver when he lowered the waistband. He was long, and thick, and still the only guy I’d been with who was pierced. I liked that. Just another thing that made our relationship special. His hair fell into his face once again as he looked down at me.

His voice was quiet and yet still firm. “Give me your hands.”

Regan was nearly undressed, and I only caught a glimpse of her undoing her bra before I presented my wrists to him. His artist hands were rough with callouses, brushing against my skin as he pulled my wrists up, crossed them together, and pinned them to the bed in one grip. He used his other hand to hold himself steady as he dragged the tip of his rapidly hardening cock across my lips.

I opened my mouth and let him slide deep inside, and kept my gaze locked on his. If I didn’t, he’d order me to look at him while I sucked his cock. He moved his hips, slowly retreating and then diving inside again.

A moan tore from the back of my throat as a wet, lush tongue returned to my clit. She was a flurry of activity, sucking and massaging. She used all the tools she possessed to get me there. My eyelids went heavy and my vision hazed. The orgasm swelled, and then burst open, setting off fireworks of sensations.

Silas grinned as he watched the orgasm roll through me, leaving me shuddering and breathless on the sheets. He slowed his thrusts to a stop, maybe letting me enjoy the pleasure, or maybe he just liked the way it looked, his dick buried between my lips while he held me down.

When it was clear my climax had passed, he retreated and sat back on his haunches, my wrists still trapped in his hand. “No buyers tonight?”

“The deal fell through,” Regan answered quickly. Maybe a little too quickly.

“Yeah?” He shot her a hard look, which was . . . strange.

I lifted my head to peer at her. She was perfectly nude, all pale skin and a smattering of freckles across her chest. Just inside of her shoulder, there was a black, circular tattoo. Silas’s patterned mark on her.

Her tits wavered as she set her hands on her hips. “You want to talk about the club now? That place you hate?”

His gaze flicked to me with concern. “I don’t hate the club.” But then he stared at her, rolling his shoulders back. “I just hate that you work there.”

She clenched her teeth and sucked in a breath through her nose. I could see all the things she wanted to say but was holding back. This was the only argument I’d ever known them to have, and she definitely didn’t like me hearing it. If they’d asked me, I wasn’t going to weigh in, but in my mind? The club was where Regan got to be who she really was.

“Can we not right now?” she said.

Silas let go of my hands and turned his full attention to her. “You know, last time a deal fell through, I got a call you were in the emergency room.”

Oh. Shit. That explained the look he’d given her. Last year, Regan had been strangled by a client and nearly killed before Julius was able to stop the guy. There’d been breakdowns on multiple fronts, the other girls had told me, since I hadn’t been working that night.

There was worry streaked across his face, and I couldn’t stand it. “Nothing like that ever happened before.”

“And nothing since,” she added softly. “I can handle myself, but I’m safe, I promise you. The second that changes, I’m out of there.”

She climbed onto the bed and pressed herself to his back, wrapping her arms around him. Her pale, feminine hands broke the pattern of dark ink on his chest. He sighed and covered her hands with his own, melting into her.

My chest tightened watching them. I didn’t get lonely, except for moments like these. Sex and love were something I’d separated a long time ago. You didn’t need one to have the other.

But that also didn’t mean I didn’t think about both, or want to have each.

“Sorry to be a buzzkill.” He shifted to see her better. “I shouldn’t have said anything.”

When she kissed him, he lifted his arm over her head, put it around her, and pulled her to his side. The kiss deepened, and the tension in the room dissipated. Desire flooded in its place, pressing down on me. And apparently her too, because she broke the kiss long enough to cup the back of my head and direct me to him. To service my doms and get him ready for her.

We couldn’t have painted a better picture of our relationship if we’d tried. Silas and Regan as equals and me at the bottom.

It was exactly where I wanted to be.
