I'd had sex with every person in this room. I didn’t feel shame about it, but I also didn’t like it being pointed out either.

Since Dominic didn’t move again, Logan picked up the box of donuts and set it on the counter with a thump, then opened his freezer. He dug out a blue gel pouch and offered it to Dominic.

“Yeah, all right,” he said to the offer. He took it and pressed it to his swollen eye, keeping his other on me. No one made a sound, making me aware I was going to have to.

“I tried to get you out of the deal. I’m sorry, I didn’t realize what was going to happen. I didn’t think they’d take it out on you.”

He didn’t move, like he was a fucking statue. Evie and Logan remained as well, watching the train wreck. It forced me to continue.

“My manager and I couldn’t come to an agreement. I tried to get him to pay out my percentage so I could give the rest back to you. It’s all fucked up and I left. Or got fired. I wanted to get back to the room, but you’d already paid–”

“Sort of–”

“. . . and they wouldn’t let me in. Then Julius said Marquis had messed you up because of how angry Joseph was with me.”

The blue gel pouch came down off his eye. “I don’t know who any of those people are, but you’ve got your facts wrong, Payton.” He said my name with emphasis, as if trying it out for the first time. “The big guy came in and said it was time to go. I only owed three grand, he said, “At the lady’s request.”

I felt sick with relief, if that was even possible. Oh, Joseph. “I don’t understand.”

“Yeah, I didn’t either. So I kept asking about you, where you were, and what happened. He warned me to let it go, but I wasn’t ready to.” He gave a lopsided, sad smile. “I’m stubborn like that.”

“Marquis hit you because you wouldn’t leave?”

“His second punch was more persuasive. I don’t remember the first five minutes of the cab ride.”

“You need to ice that,” Logan reminded him. “It looks like hell.”

Dominic put the pack back on his eye. “Thanks, Mom.” His attention shifted back to me. “Have you been here the whole time? I went back to the club, looking for you.”

I struggled not to let the impact his words had on me show. Instead I stared down at the dusty spot on the floor from the donut explosion. “No, I just got here. My phone got trashed so I came to get your number from Logan.”

“You okay?” Evie whispered to me. I nodded. She grabbed Logan’s hand and tugged him backward. “Let’s get you back in bed, boss, before you pass out.”

Logan didn’t look like he wanted to leave, but she had total command over him, and I didn’t think she had done this for any other reason than to give Dominic and me privacy. The moment the door softly shut behind them, the air between the two of us grew thick and intense.

“Why did you want my number from Logan?” His rough yet gentle voice was fascinating.

“I was worried about what happened to you.”

“I’m okay,” he said. “Was that all?”

I lifted my eyes back to his, refusing to give. “What did you need Logan’s help with?”

A slow smile spread on his lips. At least, on the side of his face that wasn’t hidden under an ice pack. “Finding you. Do you have any idea how crazy it is, you being here? This is technically my place. How did you know I knew him?”

“You were referred by another client, you live overseas. Logan and Evie, our newly engaged friends, canceled on me last night, too.” Meaning even if Logan hadn’t gotten sick, we would have wound up meeting. But, fuck. It would have been so normal. I probably would have fucked him and promptly forgotten him.


I wasn’t quite so sure when he approached now.

“You didn’t answer my question, Payton.”

“What question was that, Dominic?”

Again the ice pack came down; this time he tossed it on the counter. His expression told me he liked hearing the full name on my lips as much as I liked hearing my name on his. I knew exactly which question he was talking about.

“Was that all you wanted my number for? To check on my well-being?”