ugh he was still relatively young, he looked much more like an adult, wearing a suit without a tie. His dark hair matched his dark and curious eyes, which seemed to be evaluating Nina.

I leaned over so he could hear me. “We shot a scene together this afternoon, and Nina would like to hear more about your other club.”

His surprised attention snapped to mine, and then slid back to her. I watched him drink her in. Her perfect tits, tight waist, and long legs. Even if he was gay, he could see how gorgeous she was. Joseph’s expression turned warm and he looked thrilled.

“Oh, yeah?” he said. “Come on, honey, let’s go upstairs to my office and talk.”

“Here’s the thing, though.” I shifted to stop Joseph mid-step.

“If you’re looking for a finder’s fee, of course I’ll—”

The thought hadn’t even occurred to me. I was here for her, because she wanted to know more. “No, it’s just Nina and I are together now. I need to know if she works for you there, she’ll be . . . safe.” Safe in every sense of the word.

He almost seemed offended. “Absolutely. We have precautions in place, and excellent security.” It seemed as if then he picked up on the first half of my statement. “Together how? As a couple?”

Nina nodded. He turned his skeptical expression toward me.

“We shot porn together,” I reminded.

His face skewed, displeased. “That’s not what this would be.”

It was pretty fucking close though, he had to know that. Sex with strangers for money. “So, go upstairs and you can explain it to her. We’re both okay with it.”

Joseph’s eyes clouded over and his jaw flexed. “You might not be working tonight, but you’re still my employee, and I’d appreciate you not telling me what to do.”

Whoa. I’d never seen him annoyed, but then again, I’d never flipped our boss-subordinate dynamic around, either. Was I blowing this opportunity for Nina? “Sorry, it came out wrong.” I wiped my hand over my mouth, nervous. “Joseph, she’s gorgeous and she fucks like a rockstar. She’d make you both a ton of money.”

His broad shoulders straightened as if letting the tension roll out of his body. “I can tell you’re at least right about the first part.” He focused on her, and his tone softened. “You’re a very beautiful woman.”

The club was dimly lit, but the blush that spread across her face was plain to see. “Thank you,” she said.

Joseph blinked at her surprisingly deep voice, and then his lips peeled back into a smile. “You’re welcome. How about we all go upstairs and talk?” He gestured toward the doorway that led to the stairs, then his exacting gaze settled back on me. “You can watch her audition, and then we’ll see how okay everyone is feeling.”

Joseph led the way, so he didn’t see her reach for my hand as we walked across the dancefloor. That tiny gesture reaffirmed she was okay, and when she smiled at me, I saw her eyes brimming with excitement.

Oh, yeah. We were going to be a helluva lot better than just okay.

We were going to have so much fun together.