Scott moved a little faster, a little deeper, finding a tempo. He lifted his foot and placed it flat on the mattress to give him a better stance.

“Yes, yes, yes . . .” I chanted it, speeding my rhythm as Scott did his.

“It’s so fucking tight.” Ben’s eyes slammed shut and his mouth rounded as he exhaled loudly. “Oh, fuck.”

I’d never felt so dominated. These men using my body simultaneously for their pleasure, but also mine . . . I fucking loved it. My moans built in a crescendo until they bordered on screams, but I’d lost all control. I hovered right at the edge as Ben’s body rubbed my clit, filled my pussy, and Scott fucked my ass, sending my nerves into overdrive.

An inferno of need and heat smothered me, and my fingers clawed at the sheets, gripping them furiously. Scott’s hands clamped on my waist and clenched so hard it was at the edge of pain, but his movement held the same effect his tongue had given me earlier. Only one thought, one need in my mind.

Come, come, come . . .

That was when the orgasm took me. My heart stopped, my breath stuck in my lungs, and for a moment, I couldn’t vocalize how good it felt. My ability to do anything was obliterated.

A final thrust from Scott restarted me, and I screamed in ecstasy. The shattering, falling-apart sensation stormed through my bloodstream, and bliss thundered behind it, wiping everything out.

I collapsed forward, burying my face into the side of Ben’s neck, breathing him in. He smelled faintly of pine, and sweat, and sex. Both men continued to drive into my spent body, only the muscles beneath me were tense. Ben’s hand lay gently around my throat. His signal that he was close.

Scott jerked me, pitching me to the right, flinging me on my back. He loomed above, stroking himself furiously and the thick muscle of his arm flexed as he pumped. It was quite the view.

Ben scrambled onto his knees beside me, jerking himself, angling his cock at my tits. He only lasted a few seconds before he gasped, and his hand slowed.

“Here it fucking comes.”

Ribbon after ribbon struck me, thick and hot. His long moans filled the set, and I watched, mesmerized. Seeing someone else come was erotic and fascinating. His hand clutched tight and he sat back on his heels, almost as if admiring his work.

My gaze naturally went to the other man who was still pumping. I lifted up on my elbows to watch better. Should I touch him? Would he let me?

No. Tension pinched Scott’s shoulders together and his back bowed. His breath left him in a sharp burst as his freehand curl into a fist. His cum shot out in spurts, flicking onto my belly, wave after warm wave.

He slowed to a stop and he threw himself forward, planting his hands on the mattress on either side of my head. He lowered down so his lips were a breath away. He’d brought himself ninety-five percent of the way, it was up to me to do the rest.

So I reached up behind his head, clenched a fistful of hair, and drew him down into my kiss. Time came to a halt when his mouth was on mine. His tongue slipped past my lips, sliding over mine as if savoring my taste.

I was vaguely aware when Ben took my hand in his and laced our fingers together. It was an intimate gesture, made more so when he lifted our joined hands and kissed the back of my palm.

It was quiet and peaceful.

“Wow,” a female voice said. “That was fabulous, you guys.”

Chapter Five

Scott straightened back from me, his expression pleased. Was it from Kimberly’s comment, or that I had kissed him? I wanted it to be the latter.

“Whenever you’re ready,” she continued, “I’ll have your checks at my desk. Bathroom’s right through the door to the left.”

She went. The overhead set lights clicked off and faded to dark, leaving the room only lit by the lamps on the end table. It made every

thing feel real and . . . oh, God. I was sticky, and what the fuck had I just done?

It was like Scott could sense the panic rising in me. He stood swiftly from the bed, and heavy footsteps carried him away. A faucet ran, sounds of hands being washed came from the next room, and I turned my blank stare to Ben. He was sitting up, still clasping my hand. His thumb brushed back and forth in a comforting gesture.

“You did awesome,” he said. “I was so nervous.”

“You were?” I blinked. “I couldn’t tell.”

Scott reappeared, holding a damp washcloth, and he approached the bed.

“That’s cold!” I cried as he began to rub it on me.