A smile twitched on my lips. “Me, too.”

While I didn’t get jealous when it came to sex, kissing her . . . I was grateful not to have to share that with him. I’d known the shoot would have another guy on set, with the potential of a multiple scene, but then Ben had been late.

“I thought,” I said, “he wasn’t going to show, and I was going to get you all to myself.” The disappointment had been strong when he’d arrived.

Her breathing picked up. “All to yourself. Don’t you have that now?”

My smile grew. She’d made it pretty clear there was no contest which man she preferred, and it turned me on. Deep down, every guy was competitive. Knowing she chose me was a huge ego boost.

“Yeah,” I said, grinning.

I could hardly wait. I hadn’t fucked anyone without a camera watching in months. Spending time with Nina, who I was genuinely interested in, was exciting. We clicked on a sexual level, and I was anxious to see if we matched in other places, too. Worst case scenario, we’d have some more great sex and then go our separate ways. Best case scenario? Who knew? We had chemistry. She was obviously cool with my job, and I was with hers, so there was potential for . . . more. Maybe some kind of a future.

Okay, calm down. It was way too soon to be thinking about that.

“I love this song,” she said. She leaned over and turned the radio up, drowning out conversation. Of course it was my current favorite rap song, the one I’d listened to endlessly on repeat and knew every word.

She did, too.

The sun was setting and it cast warm light on her sexy face. Thank fuck it wasn’t a long drive to my place on the south suburbs of Chicago. I was already thinking of all the ways I wanted to have her, completely to myself, with no one directing how it was supposed to go down.

She’d made the sexiest noises in that deep, throaty voice of hers. Blood flowed south of my belt, pumping into my dick. I tightened my grip on the steering wheel as she mouthed the words, keeping up with the fast tempo. As soon as the song faded out, I turned the dial down so she could hear me.

“I have to tell you, Nina,” I said. “That was the hottest scene I’ve ever done.”

She halted as if stunned by my words.

And then, she came to life. Her face burst into a smile and she set her hand on my thigh, squeezing. “The way you say my name, it’s so sexy.”

I wished I drove an automatic for the first time in my life, only so I could put my hand on top of hers and drag it exactly where I wanted it, but rush hour traffic made it impossible, and it’d be dangerous anyway.

How had I gotten so impatient? I’d learned some tricks to back myself off the edge of orgasm, to not give in to what I wanted. Shit, was I going to have to use those skills now? Pleasure will come, I promised myself. Just not right this moment.

We barely said a word the rest of the drive since the sexual energy between us was taut. My skin was itchy as we got off the freeway and headed toward my house. I had a blindfold somewhere in my place; it had been included in a travel kit when I’d gone overseas for a photo shoot. Where had I put it? The bottom drawer of my dresser?

I could improvise if I couldn’t find it. Same with the restraints. I hadn’t been to Joseph’s blindfold club, but I understood the setup. I had some rope in the garage left over from landscaping that would work, assuming Nina was game.

I turned into the driveway and hit the remote. Nina’s eyes widened as she took in my place. It wasn’t big or impressive-looking, but the two-bedroom bungalow was all mine. We slid into the shade of the garage, I parked, and shut off the engine.

Her hand drew away from my leg, but otherwise there was no movement. She didn’t reach for the door handle.

“Didn’t think you’d end up here?” I said.

“No,” she admitted. “I wasn’t sure I’d even shoot the scene.”

“You were that nervous?”

“No.” Her blonde hair shimmered as she shook her head. “I didn’t know if I was going to get the greenlight.”

“Are you kidding? You’re so fucking hot.”

She stared at me with big eyes filled with disbelief, so I could tell she wasn’t fishing for a compliment. What was it with women? I’d met a few who were overconfident about their looks, but generally girls had self-esteem issues. Lots of pretty women were walking around believing they were less attractive than they were. I liked a humble person more than a cocky one, but confidence? It was fucking sexy.

Pink flashed over her cheekbones at my compliment. “Thanks.”

“Come on,” I said. “Let’s go inside and figure out what to do about your car.”

What I really wanted to do was to put my mouth on hers again. The drug of Nina was beginning to fade and I was desperate for another hit. I shoved my door open and hurried around the front of the truck while she reached for her purse, which allowed me to open the passenger door for her.