“Halloween is my absolute favorite holiday. You get to dress up, eat candy, bask in all things creepy and scary, and best of all — there’s no obligation to buy gifts for everyone you know. I mean, don’t get me wrong … I love giving gifts, but Christmas is kind of a downer. I tend to obsess over getting the right gift for everyone and it ends up being super stressful. Anyhow, Elijah and Rocki, you two will pretend to be a couple on a date. That means a couple’s costume, a.k.a. — the best Halloween tradition ever! Rocki will tell you all about our years of couples’ costumes. So that’s it. Go, dress up, have fun and expect a package from me before the big day. Love you always.”

She makes a kissing sound and then the file ends. This is my least favorite message from Sasha so far; she sounded really sick. This had to have been recorded just a week or so before she died. Ignoring the knot in my stomach, I read Elijah’s other messages.

The first one was just a reply talking about how if he ever got to run his own group home, he’d allow the boys to do chores to earn money for themselves to buy things instead of relying on state-funded clothing donations. Then, he replied to Sasha’s email with: YAY ANOTHER ONE! And then: WHERE ARE YOU, CHICKA?

And finally, fifteen minutes after the first email, he wrote:

Looks like someone fell asleep at the wrong time! Halloween bash, eh? We had Halloween parties in the group home for a few years, and then it was taken over by a religious organization and that was nixed. Never dressed up, though. Sounds fun. I’ll leave the couple’s costume ideas to you, the smart one. Let me know if you need money for it, okay?

Sweet dreams, Raquel.

— E

As promised, a package arrives a couple days later. The return address says it’s from the PCHS Summer Internship Program — a thing that totally doesn’t exist. I guess this is Sasha’s way of making sure my parents don’t intercept a gift from the afterlife.

I have to leave for a shift at Izzy’s in a few minutes, so I take the package into my closet and rip it open. Fluffy turquoise, gold and white fabric fills the box, all satin and soft to the touch. On top is an envelope with a long letter inside. I pull out the fabric first.

Soon, there’s a full Jasmine and Aladdin costume set spread out on my closet floor.

Puffy pants and a tiny purple vest are all that make up Elijah’s costume. I can practically see his drool-worthy abs already.

Mine is really cute, nearly identical to Jasmine from the Disney movie, with a chunky fake-gold necklace and earrings. It comes with a long beautiful wig to cover my shoddy excuse for hair.

I snap a photo, and then tuck them away in my closet for further perusal later tonight. Leave it to Sasha to pick out the perfect couple’s costume for us. She was always the best at costume ideas, and romantic couples from history or storybooks were her favorites. We always took turns playing the boy role each year. This year, I’m the girl, and I’ll be going with a real boy. It’s like Sasha made sure I’d have a fun time this Halloween instead of being forced to sit through this holiday without her.

A shiver runs up my spine, and I’m grinning so hard it hurts as I email a photo of our costumes to Elijah. I’ve already made a list of ideas for us, but obviously Sasha’s is better. Plus, it’s free.

I start a new email.

Sasha picked our costumes for us! See the attached photo. Here’s a link to the park where the Halloween bash is held. Want to meet me there, say around 7?

A few minutes later, the chat feature pops up just as I’m getting in my car to go to work.

Elijah0Delgado: I will pick you up at your house. 7 still a good time?

RockiBoBocki: No … meet me at the park. My parents will be home.

Elijah0Delgado: Good. I want to meet them. This is a date, remember? Sasha’s rules, not mine. I’ll be there at 7.

RockiBoBocki: … But … That’s scary! And awkward! And … ahhhhhhh.

Elijah0Delgado: That’s dating. :p

RockiBoBocki: *sighhhhhh*

Elijah0Delgado: Sigh all you want. I’m excited. Be there at 7!

Halloween is in two days. This might be the longest forty-eight hours ever.


Okay. I lie to my parents. Again.

With trembling hands and a speech that comes out entirely too quickly since I have it memorized, I tell Mom and Dad that a guy I met at Izzy’s has asked me to the Halloween bash. I say it’s just a friendly thing, nothing serious.

Dad asks a few questions about the integrity of this boy, but overall, they handle it well and don’t ask to perform a background check. I guess they’re happy I’ve moved on from Zack, but the lie burrows into my subconscious and makes me feel sick. I really like Elijah. This isn’t the right way to start out … whatever this is between us. But it’s not like there’s another way. Sasha pushed us together and then told us to keep it a secret. A tiny, unforgivable part of me is a little mad at her for that.

The doorbell rings and my heart leaps into my throat. “I’ve got it!” I call out, almost plummeting into Dad as I race to the front door. It’s still too early for trick-or-treaters, so that means he’s here. All the warm fuzzies I get near Elijah are currently locked in the dungeon of Parental Proximity.