“You’re up,” he says. “Perfect timing.”

I watch him strip in the mirror as I brush my teeth, a glob of minty spit falling into the sink when he drops his boxers, revealing his thick erection.

“Can I be of some service?” he asks, smiling at my open mouth and stepping into the shower.

I rinse my mouth and practically trip over my clothes to join him. I’m barely even under the water before I reach for his gorgeous cock, the skin like velvet over steel, and he murmurs his approval, caressing my nipples with his thumbs. He drags me under the water with him and takes my mouth, hard, groaning as I squeeze the base of his erection. He pulls me into him, clutching my ass roughly as he grinds our hips together. We kiss, straining together, hands roaming one another like it’s been months rather than days since we were last together like this.

I nip at Rex’s neck and he practically lifts me off the ground, crushing me to his chest.

“Please, baby, I need you,” he grits out, voice rough with lust. His pupils are huge in his whiskey-colored eyes, wet eyelashes shadowing them, making him look intense and desperate. His cock is so hard he’s pulsing against me and I can tell it took some effort to even form the words. I nod at him, tacit permission for him to take whatever he needs from me. I love when he gets like this.

Rex spins me around and squeezes conditioner from the bottle to slick me up. He kneads my asscheeks as he spreads the slickness at my opening and slides two fingers in. Christ, his fingers are big. It takes my body a moment to adjust, but when my muscles rearrange themselves, a bolt of desire shoots from my ass right up my spine and leaves me shivering.

“All right?” Rex asks, more growl than query, and I nod frantically.

“Now you, please.”

He swears, and squeezes more conditioner out to slick himself up. He takes my hands and puts them on the bar inside the shower door, bending me over and lifting my ass to him.

“Stay,” he says.

He swipes his fingers over my hole one more time, making me clench in anticipation and moan when that’s all there is. Then I feel his heat hovering over my back, and he slides against me, filling me slowly. I can feel the trembling in his thighs as he seats himself fully inside me. He’s so tall he has to crouch to fuck me like this, and that tremble makes everything more intense, like he’s willing to do anything to get inside.

“Oh god,” he moans, resting his forehead at the nape of my neck. I clench around him and he swears, curling his hands around my shoulders from the front, and dragging me down even farther onto his cock. As he penetrates me this last little bit, it sends shock waves of pleasure through my ass, and I can’t help but clench up again.

“Move,” I beg, so of course he stays still, kissing and sucking the back of my neck. I can feel him, pulsing inside me with the beat of his heart. Now that we’re not using condoms, it’s like I can feel his blood close to the surface, his heat always just about to merge with mine. Then he starts to move, tiny little pulses of his hips that seem to stir my pleasure so slowly that I’m moaning and panting before I even realize I’m doing it. He reaches down and spreads me open wider, and I can see our blurry reflections in the mirror through the shower door. Rex is looking down at where we’re joined and I wish I could see us through his eyes. Our hazy shapes in the mirror look like smears, shaking against each other with desire, straining to become one.

Rex ghosts his finger over my hole, around his erection, then pushes at my rim experimentally. My breath catches and I go still, my body tensed, every bit of my attention focused on the spot. He just keeps running his finger around my hole, sending shivers through me, until he flexes his finger slightly, sliding it in alongside his cock. I shudder, the sensation of being too full making me writhe away for a moment. But when he eases his finger out, I immediately want it back.

“Do that again,” I breathe, dropping my head down and trying to relax.

Rex pulls out and slams into me, that first stroke catching me so off-guard that I cry out. He fucks me deeply for a few more strokes, then surges in to the hilt and pauses again. He squeezes more conditioner and then his finger is back, sliding gently into me alongside his erection. Rex moans and I shiver, my breath coming fast. Rex slowly pulls out, leaving just his finger inside me, and he curls it to nail my prostate. I cry out, the sudden bright pleasure so intense and so different than the diffuse pressure of his cock that it’s shocking. He leaves his finger inside me and slowly slides back in, filling me.