“You ready for me, Alex?” he growled into my ear, his chest pressed against my back.

“Yes,” I breathed, my ass pulsating in anticipation. It’d been only hours since I last had him inside of me. Lately, I was permanently ready to take him.

He rocked straight into me with urgency and I gripped the edge of the desk to steady myself. “Oh…God,” I moaned as he fucked me, filled me, one harsh thrust after another.

“So fucking good,” Matt whispered, one hand gripping my shoulder and the other on the small of my back. “Jerk yourself off for me, Alex. This isn’t going to take long.”

The side of my face was flush with the wooden desk as I panted into the air. I flexed my fingers around my dick, already feeling the tingle of an impending orgasm.

“Harder, Matt,” I urged, my arm wedged between the desk and my body as I tugged fervently at my cock.

“Like this?” Matt snarled through gritted teeth, hammering into me so hard several pens and a calculator tumbled onto the floor with a clatter.

My ass clenched around his thick cock, trying to draw him impossibly deeper into my body. “Yeah. Just like…oh fuck I’m…fuck yes.” My balls tightened and my cock twitched as spurts of hot cum coated my fingers.

“I’m with you,” Matt said, the words strangled by his labored breaths. “Oh…shit!” he cried out, his body pushing vehemently against mine before he stilled completely.

“Thank you,” he whispered, resting his head on my back.

I turned my neck until I saw him in the corner of my eye. “Um…you’re welcome?”

“Not just for the sex. For everything. You’ve changed me, Alex.”

He pulled out of me slowly and my ass contracted, mourning the loss of him.

“I haven’t changed you,” I said, standing to face him. “You don’t need to change. I fell in love with you just the way you are.”

“Well I feel different,” he countered. “I feel content, like I don’t need to keep searching for the next thrill because I wake up to the best one of all every single day.”

“I’d kiss you,” I said, looking down at my hand. “But I need to clean myself up before it drips onto my pants.”

Careful to avoid staining his own clothes, Matt stepped to the side as he leaned in to kiss my cheek. “Get rid of this while you’re in there,” he said, nodding toward the private bathroom while handing me the used condom.

“Sexy,” I muttered, my tone sarcastic.

“Hey,” he said, bending to pull up his pants. “I’m famous. That jizz is probably worth a fortune. You should feel lucky to be carrying it in your hands.”

“I’m honored. Truly.” I pulled up my pants with one hand before making my way to the bathroom.

“Oh and pick up that crap from the floor.” He pointed to the documents scattered around the desk. “Looks like we’ve been robbed.”

“Let me get this straight. You bring me in here, fuck me, leave me, and expect me to clean everything up?”

“Pretty much.” He winked at me and it tickled something deep in my belly.

“Yes, master.”

When I reentered the club, the crowd had increased significantly during my absence and I took a moment to admire the view, pride swelling in my chest. The beat of the music thudded in my ears as I glanced toward the dancers on stage, envying the way they twisted their bodies around the poles. It wasn’t so much dancing as a carefully crafted work of art.

Straightening my collar, I weaved through the sea of dancing bodies over to the bar. My gaze honed in on Matt as he mingled with people I’d only ever seen in magazines. Tonight was definitely one of those times where Matt’s celebrity status punched me in the face, winding me a little. When we were alone he was just Matt. My Matt. It was too easy to forget I was sharing him with the rest of the world.

“Now that’s the look of a girl in love.” Blinking myself back into the room, my eyes landed on Alan, or rather Miss Martina as he was tonight. Whatever he looked like, he was always just Alan to me. “Hey, sugar,” he added, leaning over the glitter-pink bar and air kissing each of my cheeks in turn.

“Pink?” I said, twirling a lock of his pink wig around my finger.

“It’s new. Compliments the new décor don’t you think?”

“You look fabulous as ever. Can I get you a drink?”

“Just a water please, sugar. Loosen up the chords. I’m on stage in ten.”

Turning around, I plucked a bottle of spring water from the cooler.

“It’s great to see you like this,” Alan said, studying my face as he took the bottle from my hand.

“Like what?” I asked, curiosity drawing my eyebrows together.


“I am,” I said, looking back over to Matt. “I really am.”