Alex scoffed. “My dick is not smaller than yours,” he protested with a radiant smile.

“Sure it is,” I said, my gaze flipping between our cocks. Both limp, it was difficult to tell, but I’d prove it somehow.

“This doesn’t seem real,” Alex murmured, his hand pressed against my cheek. “I keep expecting to wake up.”

As much as I understood, even felt the same way, I didn’t want him to doubt my commitment to him. “You don’t still think I’m not serious about us?”

“No.” He sighed. “ I believe in you, Matt. Believe in us. It’s just sometimes, when I’m lying with you like this, I struggle to understand how I got so lucky. To fall in love is one thing, but to fall in love with your best friend…”

“Fuck, Alex. When you say things like that, when you tell me you love me, I feel like the most powerful man in the world.”

Smiling, he pressed his mouth to mine. “I love you,” he said, skimming my lips with his tongue. “I love you.”

The words I didn’t think I’d ever say to anyone felt bizarre as they travelled to my lips. Bizarre but true. Honest. Pure. Plucked from the deepest depths of my soul. “I love you, too.”

After cleaning ourselves up in the en-suite, we climbed, spent, back into bed, wriggling under the blankets. Alex lay on his back with one arm stretched out for my head. I nuzzled into his chest, relishing the rhythmic thrum of his heart beneath my ear, and squeezed his nipple, for no other reason than I liked the feel of them.

“G’night, buddy.”

Chapter Eleven


One week later…

I WOKE, STARTLED, when I felt something cold tickling my dick. Thinking it was a spider I leapt off the bed, stubbing my toe on the nightstand.

“What the hell?” I yelled, hopping on my uninjured foot.

Matt lay on the bed with a measuring tape dangling from his fingers. “Get back into bed. I haven’t finished.”

“Finished what? Are you…are you measuring my dick?”

“I’m proving a point,” Matt said as I sat down on the mattress. Tucking my arms behind my head I swung my legs onto the bed and propped myself up on the headboard. “I’d have done it sooner,” he continued. “But I couldn’t find a ruler. Got this one from Ry.”

I watched the ridiculous scene happening in front of me with curiosity. Placing the end of the tape at the base of my rigid shaft, he unrolled it to the tip, smoothing out the creases with his finger.

“Well?” I asked, amused by the frustrated frown on his face.

“This tape is broken.”

“It’s tape. Unless you take a pair of scissors to, it can’t break.” I laughed as he discarded the tape on the floor. “So go on. How’d I measure up?”

“Seven inches,” he muttered under his breath.

“And you?”

Matt shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant. “I’m not hard right now. Probably an eight or something.”

“You expect me to believe you haven’t already measured yourself?”

“Fine,” he spat. “Six and three quarters. But Ryder’s British. Their inches are probably different to ours.”

An inch is an inch. Regardless, I’d still be bigger. “Sure,” I agreed, my tone mocking. “That’ll be it.”

“Anyway get your ass outta bed, there’s lots to do before tonight.”

Tonight marked the official Kaleidoscope re-launch. The past few days, and nights, had been intense as we worked to get everything ready on time. All that remained for today was some last-minute decorations and stocking the bar.

“I need to head home and grab my suit. I’ll meet you there.”

Matt nodded, leaned over and kissed my lips before jumping off the bed. “Sure. Pick up some breakfast and we’ll eat at the club.”

Left alone, I glanced down at my seven-inch dick and laughed. We win.

Lights flashed and shutters clicked outside as people started arriving. These photographers had been invited so I didn’t feel the same level of anger toward them as I did the ones who’d been camped outside Matt’s place since our intimate photos were leaked. Sawyer suggested Matt should release a statement confirming our relationship but he refused to see it as anyone else’s business.

I was unpacking a crate of beer in the basement when my phone chimed in my pocket. When I pulled it out, I smiled, seeing Matt’s name light up the screen. Just his name made my heart skip a beat, making me feel giddy. Swiping across, my eyes were met with an image of Matt’s hard dick peeking out through his suit. From what I could see in the background, he was in the club office and I wondered if he was there right now, above me, playing with his cock. The mere thought made my pants too tight.

He’d aligned it next to a stapler he held in one hand, stretching the tip of his foreskin out, to the point it looked almost painful, with the other.