The next morning, or rather the same morning, I left Alex in bed to sleep. He looked too cute to disturb even with the silvery line of drool dried onto his chin. I called my doctor before I’d even had my morning coffee and asked him to come over. He wasn’t available until late afternoon which would give me time to check on Ryder at the club. We were on a tight schedule as it stood and if we had any hope of being ready for re-launch night I couldn’t keep leaving Ryder to organize everything on his own. I hadn’t told him yet, but I planned to thank him for all the work he’d put in with one hell of a bonus in his paycheck.

“Mmm, can I smell coffee?” I turned toward the sound of Alex’s sleepy voice. Standing on the opposite side of the kitchen dressed only in his underwear, he stretched his arms above his head. He looked a whole new shade of gorgeous in the daylight and I found myself staring again.


My name startled me and I blinked several times, forcing my eyes away from his semi-hard cock that was glaring at me through his snug shorts. “Huh?”


“Oh, yeah, sorry,” I muttered, reluctantly dragging my gaze away from his body so I could pour him a cup.

He padded over to me, snaked his arms around my waist and dug his cock into my ass. Not literally of course, but it was enough to drive me fucking crazy. That’s when I decided I’d just throw a little more in Ryder’s paycheck and let him manage by himself again today. One more day won’t kill him.

Abandoning the coffee, I turned in Alex’s arms. “You’ve wiped the drool away I see,” I noted, grinning as I ran my thumb over his chin. He opened his mouth to respond but I stopped him by slipping my tongue between his lips. His stubble scratched and tickled as our mouths locked together. I gripped the back of his neck, the ends of his hair covering the back of my hand while he grabbed my ass cheeks, pulling me into him.

“Fuck the coffee,” he moaned into my mouth. “Come back to bed with me. Let me taste you again.”

Part of me felt it would be selfish to agree knowing Alex wouldn’t let me give him anything in return. But a bigger part of me, also known as my dick, propelled me to that fucking bedroom faster than a chicken running from Colonel Sanders.

“I really should call Ry,” I mumbled, lazily running my fingers up and down Alex’s back. He raised his head off my chest, adjusting his body until he lay on his side propped up on one elbow, facing me.

“Are you going to tell him? About us I mean.”

The word us sounded so peculiar yet so satisfying at the same time. “Not yet,” I decided as the words left my mouth. It took me a moment to realize the look on Alex’s face as he concentrated on fiddling with a loose thread dangling from my pillow, was disappointment. “Wait,” I said. “I’m not asham-”

“It’s okay. I get it.”

“Alex I’m-”

“It’s a big thing. A huge thing. People might-”

“Are you gonna shut the fuck up and let me talk?” Half smiling, Alex pulled an imaginary zip closed across his lips. I shifted onto my side and wound my fingers around his. “I’m not ashamed, Alex. It’s not something I do and you should know that. To feel shame means to value other people’s opinions more than your own and I won’t give away that kind of power. I live for me, no one else. Anyone who matters won’t care who I’m dating and anyone who cares doesn’t matter. The only reason I didn’t want to tell anyone yet is because I want to enjoy you a little longer, just us, before we have to go back to real life. I’m only talkin’ a couple of days.”

“So…we’re dating?” Alex asked, a bemused smile tugging at his lips.

“I guess so. I don’t have any experience with relationships but I know this is more than just sex for me. I like being with you. Talking to you. Doing nothing with you. So if that’s dating then, yeah, we’re dating.”

Alex sighed as he ran the back of his thumb along my jaw. His smile was so wide, so beautiful, it made tiny wrinkles appear around the corners of his denim-blue eyes. “It also means you need to take me on an actual date,” he said, his voice playful as he pressed my nose like a button.

Shit. I didn’t have a fucking clue about dating someone. Romance had never been my thing. I’d never needed or particularly wanted to treat anyone special before. My name alone had always been enough to get a woman into bed. But Alex was different. I wanted to make him feel important, to romance him.