“I’m not mad,” he whispered, cutting me off by placing a finger over my lips. “I fell in love with all of you, Matt. Your kind heart, your humor, your mind…” He ran his palm down my torso. “… And your body, your inability to say more than three consecutive words without dropping the F bomb or insulting somebody, and yes, even the fact you don’t possess the power to think before you speak. You’re the most infuriating, sarcastic, loveable asshole I’ve ever met, and what you did out there encompassed all the things that make you you. The only thing I’m feeling right now is pride.”

“And horny,” I teased, cupping his blatant arousal. I took a step back, knowing if I didn’t I would end up fucking him right there without a second thought to whoever else might be in the building. “What about your parents?”

“I spoke to my mom while you were in the shower this morning. Told her everything.”

Ouch. “How’d it go?”

“Surprisingly well. Talking to her, I started to realize that the issues I’d always seen in my parents were really my own. I always believed they couldn’t accept me or my illness and for the first time I saw the real problem. I thought they couldn’t accept me. Truth is I never gave them a chance to because I was too busy struggling to accept myself.”

“Wow,” I breathed.

“She wants to meet you.”

Whoa. I’d done some crazy shit in my life but the thought of meeting his parents was possibly the most terrifying of all. “Fuck, meeting the parents feels awfully grown up.”

“I’m sure you can fake being an adult for a few hours. For me.”

“Maybe we should role play first. Try and establish some kind of brain to mouth filter.”

“Oh, Matt,” Alex chuckled. “I find it adorable that you think that’s even possible.” He leaned forward, his smile wide, and brushed my lips with his. “Come on,” he added, cocking his head. “Time to work.”

Several hours later, bar stocked and lights switched on, people lined up outside even though the doors didn’t open for another hour. I bought this club on a whim, something to pass the time. I never dreamed it would become such a significant part of my life. I enjoyed going to work every day. I was proud of my business and the people who’d helped it succeed.

I heard Bruce’s familiar yelp before I noticed that Sawyer had joined us. The sound made my heart twitch. I’d fallen hard for the cute little shit machine.

“How’s my big boy?” I cooed, prying him from Sawyer’s arms and kissing all over his head while I carried him to the office. “Have you missed Daddy? Huh? Daddy’s missed you.”

Setting Bruce loose on the office floor, I looked up at Sawyer who stared at me like I was an imbecile.

“You do know it’s an animal and not a human baby, right?”

“Shut the fuck up, dude. He, not it, will hear you. You didn’t let him on the sidewalk, right? He needs his next shot first.”

“No, but I’m afraid he might need some psychotherapy. I forgot to say please when I asked him to sit.”

“Funny,” I muttered. Asshole. “I’m laughing inside. What are you doing here?”

“Elle called and asked us to meet her here. Jake’s on his way.”

“I fucking knew it,” I said, clicking my fingers. “She’s knocked up.”

“What? No way. She’s my best friend. I’d have noticed.”

“You mean you haven’t noticed that she’s been a grouchy motherfucker for weeks now? Just the other day she almost ripped off my dick because I said she looked hot. I wouldn’t mind but I meant warm. There’s no other explanation. Either she’s pregnant, or coming out as a beaver basher, but statistically, I think you’ve converted enough of us already.”

“So I hear. I read about your little speech earlier. Good for you, dude.”

“Can you imagine what Claire would say if she still managed us? My balls would be in a pickling jar right now.” I smiled, picturing her stern, not again, Matt, face.

“Don’t need to. Claire’s the one who told me about it. She called me a couple of hours ago.”

“Oh yeah? How is the old battleaxe?” I said it with affection. For all the shit I gave Claire over the years, she was like a second mom to me while we were on the road.

“Amused. She can see the funny side now you’re not her responsibility anymore.”

Bruce nuzzled at my ankles and I gave him a pat before heading for the door. “I’m gonna fetch Alex and tell him Elle’s good news.”

“Hundred dollars you’re wrong,” Sawyer said, proffering his hand.

“Two hundred and we got a deal.”

Nodding confidently, Sawyer shook my hand.

You’re going down, motherfucker.

When I reached Alex in the basement I found him wincing and rubbing his back. “Think I’ve pinched a nerve or something. Will you rub it for me?”