“And you’re coping okay with the media circus you’ve found yourself in?”

“Not really.” I shrugged. “But if it’s what I have to put up with to be with him then I will.”

“I don’t see the appeal. He needs a haircut,” he teased. “I have to go get ready, but well done on tonight. The place looks fabulous.”

“Thanks,” I said, leaning across the bar and giving him a one-armed hug.

“Oh and before I go, Ryan’s here. He’s looking for you.”

Shit. I didn’t know why it made me so nervous. Sure, we used to sleep together but we were friends. We weren’t committed or exclusive. A part of me felt anxious about Matt’s reaction if he saw us together but I dismissed it. He’d never given me any reason to accuse him of being the jealous type. I was overthinking things, so I pushed Ryan to the back of my mind while I checked stock levels behind the bar.

Matt asked me to mingle with him several times but that wasn’t why I was here. He hired me to manage the club and that’s what I felt most comfortable doing. Inflating celebrities’ egos and fake smiling for the cameras wasn’t who I was. I accepted that was part of Matt’s life but I didn’t particularly want it as part of mine.

Crouched down, I was replenishing mixers when I looked up and almost crapped myself as I came face to face with Ryan peering over the counter.

“Hey, sexy. Long time no see,” he said, winking.

“Hey.” I rose to my feet. “How, um, how’ve you been?”

“Stop looking so nervous, Alex. I’m not gonna pounce on you, I know you’re with somebody. Hell, the whole world knows.”

“Yeah,” I agreed, scoffing. “Crazy right?”

“It was a shock for sure. I mean I knew you guys were friends but I had no idea Matt Carter was into dudes. If I did I’d have taken a shot that time you took me to his place.”

“It was news to me, too. Hell, it was news to him.”

“That doesn’t bother you? I’d be worried all the time if it was me.”


“Yeah. The guy’s a pussy magnet. What if, I don’t know, he starts to miss it?”

I shrugged, a lump forming in my throat. “I trust him.” I said it because it was true, absolutely, but I’d be lying if I said the thought didn’t nibble its way to the front of my mind sometimes. When it did, however, one feel of his lips on mine would obliterate any doubt beyond recognition.

“Well it’s good to see you so happy anyways. Can’t say I don’t miss being able to randomly dial you at three AM when I’m horny as fuck though.”

“Hi.” I hadn’t noticed Matt approaching until I heard his voice. “I’m Matt,” he introduced himself to Ryan, draping a possessive arm around my neck like he was claiming me. Part of me expected him to piss up my leg. “And you are?”

You know damn well who he is. “This is Ryan. Ryan, Matt,” I interrupted, waving a hand between them.

Ryan offered Matt a cocky smile, clearly amused at the sight of Matt going all alpha male on his ass. “Place looks great. Congratulations to you both.”

“Thanks. What would you like to drink?” Matt asked, his voice clipped and to the point.

“I’m just leaving actually,” Ryan said. “Just wanted to say goodbye to Alex.”

“Great seeing you,” I said, only half lying as I reached out to pat his back. It wasn’t as uncomfortable as I’d expected. Proof that it was all in my head.

“He’s a douche,” Matt sneered as soon as Ryan was out of earshot.

I turned to him and smiled. “Aw, you jealous?” I found it strangely adorable.

“Yes,” he answered immediately. “But he’s still a douche. I could see it in his eyes.”

“He’s a good guy,” I said, regretting it when Matt’s lips twisted into a pout. “But I’m not in love with him. I’m in love with you.”

His mouth relaxed into a firm line. “Good. Because he’s a douche.”

I forced a nonchalant expression but inside I smiled. Matt Carter loved me enough to be jealous and that felt pretty damn amazing.

“How the hell did he get back in?” I followed Matt’s gaze to the other end of the bar and saw a man stumbling through the crowd, knocking into people’s drinks, his eyes rolling into the back of his head. “The dude’s dropped more pills than a fingerless pharmacist. Radio one of the bouncers will you? I won’t have that shit in here.”

“No problem.”

“I gotta go do an interview with some chick from a magazine. No more talking to douchebags while I’m gone.”

Snickering, I saluted him. “Scouts’ honor.”

The evening played out perfectly after the guy high on more than alcohol was escorted, or rather thrown, out of the building. I was insanely proud of what Matt had achieved. I had a couple of star-struck moments, where I stood vacant with my tongue licking the floor, when approached by a few celebrities I’d been watching on TV since I was a teenager, but apart from that, the night was a monumental success.