“I’m ready, Alex. I need to feel you inside me.”

Taking me into a deep kiss, Alex rolled on top of me, chest to chest. Reaching between our bodies I molded my fingers around his rigid cock, smiling as a throaty moan escaped his lips. Swirling my hips, I ground my dick against his stomach, heat pooling in my groin.

As I continued to pump him with my fist a dose of doubt fluttered in my chest. “Dude, your dick has grown,” I muttered, anxiety forcing me to break our kiss. “There’s no way that’s gonna fit.”

Laughing softly, Alex rested his forearm against my cheek, combing through my hair with his fingers. “Firstly, don’t ever call me dude while I’m making love to you,” he said, grinning. “Secondly, I’m fairly certain my dick is the same size as it was yesterday. Third, and most importantly, we don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with.”

Sliding down my body, pecking tiny kisses across my torso, Alex hovered his mouth over my dick. “Let me suck you instead.”

His mouth latched onto my tip, dragging my foreskin down as he pushed me to the back of his throat.

“Oh, yeah…” I moaned, my hands pressed to either side of his head. “Fuck that’s good.”

Alex sucked and licked his way up and down my cock, occasionally grazing the tip with his teeth until my entire body felt like it was going to explode. He released me quickly, making me groan at the loss of his warm mouth, and then licked his way south, pushing my legs apart.

“I’m going to explore you down here,” he said, looking up at me through hooded eyes. “Show you how good it can feel.” He placed a kiss, so gentle I barely felt it, right over my ass hole. “Do you trust me?”

I didn’t even need to think about it. I trusted him implicitly. I felt safe with him. I loved him. “Yes,” I breathed.

Using the tip of his tongue, Alex drew a soft line from the crevice between my ass cheeks up to the seam of my balls, and then back down again. He used his hands to separate my cheeks, leaving me completely exposed and vulnerable to him.

For a moment he stilled, holding his head between my legs and staring at my ass. “You’re so beautiful, Matt,” he whispered, the heat of his breath dancing on my flesh.

I moaned into the pillow when his warm tongue darted from his mouth and flicked against my hole. “Oh fuck yes,” I cried, my legs trembling when he dipped inside.

“You taste incredible,” he said, before diving back in.

I writhed on the mattress, my hips bucking in rhythm with his soft thrusts as he fucked me with his mouth. My ass relaxed a little more each time he entered me and when, without warning, he swapped his tongue for a finger it forced a rush of pre-cum from the tip of my cock. Curling my fingers around my dick, I massaged the moisture that dribbled down my length into the skin.

“Fuck, Alex…” The words broke on my lips when he added a second finger, scissoring them inside me. “Please,” I begged, unsure of what I was even asking for.

Crawling onto his knees, Alex moved up the bed, aligning his face with mine while his skilled fingers continued to work in and out of my body.

“Please what?” he whispered, dotting kisses along my jaw.

“I need…oh God…I need more.”

“Are you sure?” he asked, his lips touching mine.

“Yes.” I’d never been more sure of, more impatient for, anything in my life.

Driving his tongue into my mouth, he ripped his fingers from my ass, making me sag with disappointment. Never breaking our kiss, he reached out to the nightstand and blindly fumbled for the condoms and lube. Abandoning my lips, Alex kneeled in front of me. I watched with intrigue as he rolled a condom down his cock before drizzling it with a few squirts of lube.

A twinge of trepidation caused my erection to wane a little as he positioned himself between my legs. Silently, his palms on my shins, he guided my knees upwards, the tip of his cock teetering against my ass.

“You can stop me at any time,” he said, his tone reassuring as he placed a flattened hand on my stomach. Lowering his head a little, he gathered some saliva in his mouth and let it drip down onto my hole. It was the hottest thing I’d ever fucking seen. “Just say the word.”

I nodded weakly, biting my lip. My heart hammered in my chest, all traces of moisture evaporating from my mouth as I braced myself for what was about to happen. I didn’t know if I’d enjoy it, if it would hurt. I only knew that I wanted, needed, to find out.

“Are you ready?” Alex asked, stroking his cock.