I felt like I’d finally found the man I’d always been.

“Mmm,” Alex moaned sleepily, stretching his arms. “Morning.”

“I have to pee,” I complained. “I didn’t think about this part.”

Smiling, Alex sat up and kissed the back of my shoulder. “Be grateful it’s just pee.”

“I think I heard people out there. Champagne bottle it is.”

“Good thing I don’t love you for your class.”

The voices outside grew louder and, peering out of the tent, I saw a young couple walking their dog along the water’s edge. I could almost hear our bubble pop as reality slapped me across the face. Our perfect night was almost over and I would have to share him with the world again soon.

After discarding the bottle I’d just filled, feeling a little proud of my awesome aiming skills, I took a pair of clean jeans from my backpack and wriggled into them, lying down to pull them over my ass. Crawling outside the tent, I grabbed the picnic basket and dragged it inside. “Croissant?” I offered, removing one from the designated breakfast compartment of the basket.

“Thanks.” Alex took the pastry from my hand and tore off a segment, putting it in his mouth.

“So…how’d I do?” I asked. “Do I throw a good date?”

Alex shuffled forward, lining his body next to mine. “It was the most perfect night of my life. Thank you.”

“You can thank me later.”

He grinned, a devilish glint glittering in his eyes. “Oh yeah? And how can I do that?”

“By giving me what I gave you,” I whispered, my gaze locked onto his.

“You mean…”

“I’m ready, Alex. I want you to make love to me.” That damn dog barked outside, destroying the moment we shared. “But maybe not right now.”

Alex smiled, hiding his face in my neck and inhaling deeply. “Damn, just the thought…” he tailed off, taking my hand and pressing it onto his hard cock.

My fingers wrapped around his length, stroking firmly as we fell backwards onto the pillows.

“Excuse me?” a woman’s voice called. “Hello?”

Huffing, I’d never wanted to yell fuck the hell off so much in my life. Alex pulled the blanket over his body while I crawled out of the tent.

“Yes?” I snapped briskly.

“Oh. You’re…” She stumbled on her words.

Yes, I’m Matt Carter. Get the fuck on with it. I stared her down.

“My, um, my dog…” She pointed to the yapping Jack Russell behind her. “He, um, he’s chewed one of your candles.”

Shame it wasn’t lit. “Is he sick?”

“Oh, no. He’s always eating things he shouldn’t. I just, um, wanted to apologize.”

“Don’t worry about it,” I said, my tone clipped. She continued to stare at me. “Anything else?”

“Oh, um, no. Thank you. And sorry. Thank you. Have a nice day.”

I nodded and waited for her to scoop her tongue back inside her mouth and disappear before returning to Alex.

“Little harsh,” Alex said, laughing. “She was clearly star stricken.”

“Disturbing me at this time of the morning she should count herself lucky I didn’t rip off her head and shit down the hole.” I dragged on my t-shirt and started tossing the evidence of our marathon sex session into my bag. “Come on. Let’s get cleared up and head home.”

“Back to reality.” Alex sighed.

“Back to our future.”

Walking into the restaurant several hours later I wondered if I was sporting one of those post-coital glows people talk about. I’d never felt so happy, so hopeful, and it must’ve shown. I hadn’t been able to stop thinking about the feeling of Alex’s ass stretched around my cock since the second I pulled out of him and the memory had etched the most fulfilled smile on my face.

Shoulders back and head high, I spotted Ashley waiting for me at the table by the window. She stood from her chair on my approach and opened her arms for me.

Removing my favorite black beanie hat and shades, I hugged her. Or tried to. “You’re fucking huge,” I said, holding her at arms-length and wincing at the size of her bump. “Damn, girl. That’s gonna hurt.”

“Thanks for the reassurance, Matty,” she said, lacing her voice with sarcasm.

Her nickname for me made me smile and for a moment we were ten years old again. As I released her, I realized this was the first time in four years that we’d be alone, the last one being when I surprised her with a visit on her twenty-fifth birthday. We were close back then, despite the physical distance between us. We shared everything. She was my best friend.

And then she married Adam.

“It’s so great to see you,” I said, holding her hand across the table after taking our seats. “I’m sorry I haven’t made the effort since you got back.”

“You’ve had a lot to deal with, Matty,” she said, her smile sympathetic. “How’re you holding up?”

“I miss her every day, but I’m doing okay. I’ve got great friends behind me. You settling into the new house?”