“You sure?” I asked Alex, throwing him a look that I hoped expressed I completely understood if he wasn’t ready.

“What’s going on?” Sawyer cut in, alarm knitting creases in his forehead.

“I’m HIV positive. Matt’s starting antiviral meds as a precaution.”

“Whoa. Okay.” Sawyer pushed a heavy breath through puckered lips.

Much like Alex and I did with Dr. Wilson, Sawyer asked lots of questions and accepted each answer with care and not a hint of judgment. We discussed things for a while and I revealed that my test came back negative and my prescription was ready to collect. I also informed Alex that we were booked in with Kevin, a specialist HIV nurse and counselor, tomorrow morning.

“Matt,” Sawyer began as the conversation came to an end. “All joking about your immaturity aside-”

“Wow. I’m honored.”

“I’m really fucking proud of you, man. You two are great together and I’m really, really happy for you both.”

I stood up, Sawyer followed, and I wrapped my arms around him. “Thanks, dude,” I said, clapping his back. “Means a lot.”

“I’m gonna have to head off. I’m needed at the studio but Jake’s staying behind to interview bar staff with Ryder.”

“Thank you, Saw. For everything.”

“It’s what brothers do. You may be a twat, but you’re our twat, and we love you.”

Sawyer made his way to the door while I picked up my keys from the desk.

He stopped, turning back to face Alex. “Oh and Alex?”


“Take care of my boy.”

“I plan to.”

On that note, after checking on the rest of the guys, Alex and I headed to the doctor’s office.

6 days later…

For the first time this week I woke up feeling vaguely human. The Truvada knocked me on my ass the first couple of days. Day one, I suffered a migraine that hurt so bad I prayed to either get better instantly or die. No in-between. Day two, I was floored with stomach cramps and the ability to shit through the eye of a needle. Well, I could have, I didn’t try. The rest of the week I felt nauseous but it was manageable and I returned to work at the club. The worst part was seeing the guilt swim in Alex’s eyes as he held himself unnecessarily responsible.

“I brought you some water.” I opened my eyes to the sound of Alex’s anxious voice. “How’d you feel today?”

“I’ve literally just woken up, but so far so good.”

“You’re not just saying that? Because we can postpone tonight.”



Tonight was our date. Somehow, between feeling like crap on a stick and pulling all-nighters at the club, I’d lost a day because I thought it was tomorrow.

“You’re not getting out of it that easily. I have it all in hand.” Except, I totally fucking didn’t. “Can you oversee the club on your own today? I have plans with Ry.” Again, I didn’t, and silently hoped he’d be available to save my ass. I needed help organizing tonight and Sawyer had a meeting with a printing company about Back Door’s latest calendar.

“Sure. I’m heading over there now actually. Philip called. There’s a problem with the electrics.”


“The foreman. You know, the one you discuss progress with every single day.”

“Ah. See, I just know him as the miserable fuck with an ass the size of Manhattan.”

“Call me if you need anything,” he said, giving my dick a quick squeeze through the bed sheet.

“Oh, I need something alright,” I breathed, urging my dick deeper into his fist.

Ripping his hand away, Alex laughed. “If there’s one thing I’m certain of it’s that I don’t neglect your cock. I’m sure it can wait a few more hours.”


“At least think of me while you’re jerking off!” he called over his shoulder on his way out the door, and then he was gone.

The thought was tempting but I didn’t have time. Rolling onto my side, I grabbed my cell from the nightstand.

Me: I need you

Ryder: Bored of Alex already?

Me: Get your ass over here NOW. I have a date to plan!

Ryder: On it. Give me half hour

Hmm, maybe I do have time after all, I thought, massaging my dick between my fingers.

Ryder: Make that 10. Mase just got back with the cat. On my way


Ryder: *CAR. Fuckin autocorrect


“Down in a sec!” I shouted down the stairs when I heard the door slam, pulling my sweatpants on after managing to fit in the fastest jerk-off session in history in the shower.

“So,” Ryder began when I reached the bottom step. His hair was blue today. I could never keep up with his colors. “A date, huh?”

“Dude, I’ve never been on a date in my life and I promised him something special.”

“Then special he shall have. Where’re you thinking of taking him?”

I made my way to the kitchen as I pondered, opening the fridge and then closing it again when I forgot why I opened it in the first place.