“For us.”

“Damn I want to kiss you so badly right now.”

Grabbing my neck, Matt pulled my mouth to his but I wedged a finger between our lips. “If I kiss you we’ll end up in bed, and I really think we should head to the club. It’s not fair on Ry.”

“Ugh,” Matt grumbled. “Wouldn’t kill you to think with your dick for once.”

“My dick will still be here when we get back. I want to get myself up to speed with the refurb. I neglected you, neglected the business, and I’m eager to put things right.”

“Fine.” He pouted like a spoiled child. “At least there’re two fairly large couches in my office.” He winked and laughed before kissing my cheek.

Matt had disappeared to shower and change when my cell vibrated in my pocket. Teasing it out, Elle’s photo illuminated the screen. It wasn’t the norm for me to receive a call from Elle, I didn’t know her particularly well, so I answered immediately, afraid something was wrong.

“Hey, Elle.”

“Have you seen Matt? Nobody can reach him.”

Hello to you, too. “Sure. I’m with him now. He’s in the shower but if it’s urgent I can take you to him and put you on speaker.”

“It is.”

After climbing the stairs two at a time I walked into the bathroom, clutching the phone close to my chest. “I’ve got Elle on the phone for you.”

Matt shut the water off and craned his neck around the shower screen. “Shit. I turned my phone off,” he whispered under his breath. Pressing the speaker button, I set the phone down on the marble tiles surrounding the sink and retreated to the door. “Hey, fuck bunny!” he called to the phone.

“Where the hell have you been?” Elle snapped. “There’s been a flood at the club. Burst pipe or something.”

“Ah, shit.”

“Nobody’s been able to get through to your damn phone, Ryder’s going out of his freaking mind and so I’m down here trying to help and I don’t need this shit right now!”

“Aww, what’s the matter? You havin’ your lady time?”

“Screw you, Matt. Just get your arse down here so I can leave.”

“I’ll be there in twenty.”

“Good,” Elle barked before hanging up without a goodbye.

“Wow,” I said. “She’s pissed.”

“Kip probably left the toilet seat up or something. Can you grab my wallet and the keys to the Lambo while I rinse this soap off? Unless…you want to rinse me?”

Matt wrapped his fingers around his soapy cock, stroking himself as he worked it into a rich lather. I forced my eyes closed. It was the only way I had a hope of resisting him. “Tempting, but I’m afraid of what Elle might do to me if I don’t get you to the club on time.”


I opened my eyes to find him grinning at me. He restarted the jets of water and I took back my phone and headed downstairs, trying to picture grandmas and kittens in my mind in a bid to deflate the party going on in my pants.

We arrived at the club in thirty minutes, not twenty, and I mentally prepared myself for Elle’s wrath.

“You’re late,” she scolded when we walked into the building.

A shallow lake of murky water that rose to the laces on my sneakers smothered the concrete floor. We waded through it toward the open office door where Elle stood with her arms folded across her chest.

Ryder appeared behind her, scratching his head. “Mate, where the hell have you been? This place is going to shit and I can’t keep dealing with it on my own.”

A guilty frown crept onto Matt’s face as he scanned the mess surrounding us. “I’m sorry, Ry. I’ve been going through some shit but I’m on top of it now.”

“The builder says this’ll set us back a week, but the invites for opening night have already gone out. I’ve got the guys from Word Magazine and StarStruck confirmed. Not to mention the DJ and drag act from Belgium who’s flying in special and-”

“Calm down,” Matt interrupted. “Get me the number for the builder and I’ll sort it.”

“I’ve tried. He won’t put the extra hours in. Says he’s not got enough men.”

“He’ll find them. My check book can be very convincing.”

Shrugging, Ryder turned back into the office.

“In the meantime let’s get moving this water.”

“I need to leave,” Elle said. “I have to talk to Kip about something.” She walked away, offering a halfhearted wave over her shoulder.

“Told you Kip’d pissed her off,” Matt said, exhaling a chuckle.

The rest of us worked well into the night, using buckets, sponges and towels to dry out the club. Some of the furniture, including a couple of couches and three bar stools, were unsalvageable. The office would need redecorating and the ceiling plaster above the stage had completely disintegrated. We sent an exhausted Ryder home around two AM and Matt and I spent a further couple of hours sweeping away debris and moving the remaining furniture to the side of the building that remained undamaged. By four AM we were both passed out cold on the office couch.