“So I’m right in thinking you’ve both discussed this and think this is the way forward? I’m sorry, I have to ask these things.”

“We have,” I answered. “Although we need more information. The drug wasn’t available when I was diagnosed so I don’t really know much about it.”

“Well, that I can help you with. PrEP, or Truvada as we call it, is a combination of two drugs used to treat HIV. Should you come into contact with the virus,” he explained, focusing on Matt. “Truvada helps prevent it taking hold by blocking the pathways HIV uses to set up an infection.”

“Sounds complicated,” Matt said, nervously drumming his fingers against his leg.

“It’s not as important that you know the exact science behind it as it is to know how to use it. It’s only effective if taken daily. You’ll need to get yourself into a strict regime. If you start missing doses, you’ll be putting yourself at greater risk.”

“I understand.” Matt nodded, his expression firm and serious.

“How well does it work?” I questioned. “I’m…” I paused, gathering enough air and courage to be completely honest. “I’m terrified of passing the virus onto him. Can a pill really lower the risk?”

“Studies have shown that patients who take it every day reduce their risk of infection by as much as ninety percent.”


“Of course, there are no guarantees and other precautions should be used simultaneously.”

“Yes of course,” I agreed, feeling somewhat astonished.

“Without a doubt I’d like to refer you to one of our specialist counselors in my clinic, Mr. Carter. They can discuss things in far more detail than I can. They’ll talk to you about the risks, precautions, etcetera.”

“Sure.” Matt nodded. “By precautions, you mean condoms, right?”

“Definitely condoms should still be used alongside the medication. Our counselors will also provide you with information about the different ways you can have sex and the risks associated with each one.”

“It’s not all the same?” Matt didn’t appear even slightly phased. I on the other hand, felt the heat tickling my cheeks like an immature teen in sex-ed.

“As an example, oral sex is considered to pose a much lower risk of transmission than anal sex. It decreases even further the lower Alex’s viral load goes. But like I said, there will always be a risk of infection and my team at the clinic specialize in this area. They can answer any questions you may have as well as providing emotional support for both of you.”

“Okay, okay,” Matt said, nodding again. “What happens now? Can you prescribe the pills today?”

“I’m afraid I need to test you for HIV first. I can take a blood sample today and you’ll have the results tomorrow. If it’s negative, I’ll write you a prescription.”

I glanced at Matt’s expression and noticed he’d turned a ghostly shade of gray. Is he having second thoughts? “Are you okay?”

“I, um…Oh, dear God…”

Clutching the top of his arm, I followed Matt’s gaze until it landed on the needle Dr. Wilson had just removed from his briefcase. The muscles in his arm trembled beneath my fingers and I braced myself, wholly expecting him to pass out. “You don’t like needles?”

“Why do you think I’m the only rockstar in the freakin’ world that doesn’t have tattoos?”

Dr. Wilson waited, setting the needle that was still in the sterile wrap and other necessary equipment down on the table. “I won’t begin until you’re ready, but I should forewarn you that you’ll need a repeat blood test every three months before I can renew your prescription.”

“Just do it,” Matt insisted, squeezing his eyes closed and extending his arm. “Get it over with.”

Without procrastination, Dr. Wilson kneeled in front of Matt and asked him to make a fist while securing a tight band around Matt’s upper arm. I took his free hand, stroking the top of it with my thumb.

“Man the fuck up,” Matt whispered to himself when he heard the sterile wrapper being torn open.

I watched the tip of the needle approach Matt’s arm and started talking in an effort to distract him. “So… have you worked out how to get the pasta off the ceiling yet?”

“Fuck off. I know what you’re doing and it’s not going to work.”

“All done,” Dr. Wilson cut in.

“You are?” Matt sounded surprised as he opened his eyes and looked down. He turned to me, smiling. “Sorry. Guess it did work after all.”

“I’ll send these to the lab immediately,” the doctor said, stuffing the tube of blood into a labeled baggy. “I’ll call you tomorrow with the results and a time to see one of our counselors.”

“Out of interest, how long after starting the pills can we…you know?” Matt seemed to have found his bashful side all of a sudden.

“Assuming you haven’t engaged in sex yet…”

“We haven’t,” Matt interjected.

“I recommend abstaining for a week to give it time to build up in your system. Again, your counselor will talk you through it so the sooner you can come to the clinic, the better.”