“That you are,” I said with a crooked smile, leaning in so our faces were almost touching. I didn’t bother to offer my name. She knew damn well who I was. There were only two reasons girls like her came to clubs like these – free alcohol and to get off with a celebrity. That suited me just fine.

“You’re even hotter in real life,” she whispered into my ear before nibbling on the lobe. I smiled inwardly at her eagerness. This was going to be an easy one. “How ‘bout we skip that drink?” she added, her tiny fingers walking along my thigh before settling on my crotch.

Oh fuck yeah. Easier than I thought.

“Take me to your place,” she asked as she ran her flattened palm over my dick through my pants.

“Baby I can’t wait that long.”

Taking her soft, manicured hand, I pulled her up from the couch and led her toward the private bathrooms. They were designed for fucking, despite the written policies on the door. Why else would there be a lockable foyer with couches, with a separate door that led to the stalls on the other side?

Her heels clicked against the silver-veined tile floor as she scurried behind me, giggling and gasping.

“Fuck you’re hot,” I said as I pushed her backwards onto the plush couch. She had everything I’d usually go for; long, silky curls that tickled my face as I kissed her, tan legs, huge tits and flawless skin. Not to mention the bright red lipstick she wore that I couldn’t wait to see staining my cock when I’d finished fucking her mouth.

There was just one slight problem that I chose to ignore for now. I wasn’t hard yet. I convinced myself the stressful evening was to blame and I just needed to work a little harder to wake the big guy up. So I tore the clothes from her body as if they were suffocating her, pulling her tiny red dress over her curves and above her head, discarding it somewhere on the floor behind me. Her lack of bra gave me immediate access to those bouncy breasts that caught my eye before her face did, and I wasted no time lowering my head and sucking one of her pert nipples into my mouth.

Her skin was smooth against my face. Too smooth. I found myself missing the sensations Alex’s skin created, the slight prickle from his hair that mottled my skin with goosebumps.

“You okay, baby?” The sound of her breathy voice woke my senses as if she’d just pulled me from a dream. Her nipple was no longer in my mouth, though I didn’t remember releasing it, and her hand was tucked into my pants, working tirelessly on my seemingly dead penis.

“I, um…” I climbed off her body, scratching at my head. “I think I’ve had too much to drink,” I lied. It wasn’t the alcohol clouding my mind. It was Alex.

Damn him.

She got up off the couch, first making sure I got a good glimpse of her immaculately waxed pussy as she placed one foot at a time on the floor. “I can make you feel better,” she cooed in that high, sweet voice chicks use when they want something. With her naked body, dressed only in heels, now pressed against mine, she slithered her hand between us and started fumbling with my zipper.

“No,” I said firmly, placing my hands on her shoulders and gently pushing her away. “I’m sorry.” I wasn’t, but I was trying to be a gentleman for once in my life. “You’re beautiful, I just need to go home.”

“Take me with you,” she said, batting her fake eyelashes as she reached out to touch me again. Taking her index finger into her mouth, she pulled it out slowly, molding her lips around it. “I’ve heard my mouth has medicinal properties.”

Taking a step back, I snapped curtly, “I said no.”

Her flirtatious smile morphed into a tight, angry line in a nanosecond. “Fuck you,” she spat, covering her tits with her forearm as she bent to pick up her dress from the floor.

Oh, so now you’re shy?

Her dress was on almost as quickly as it came off, and then she picked up her purse and bolted for the door, probably heading to sell her story to some shitty online magazine, outing my limp dick to the world.

I turned to the opposite door that led to the actual bathroom, but paused when I heard my rejected fuck talking to someone.

“Hey, beautiful. Wanna buy me a drink?”

Clearly, I hadn’t scarred her ego too much.

“No,” replied a firm voice.

Sawyer’s voice.

Great. I’d turned my phone off before I left the house to prevent this situation from occurring.

“How’d you find me?” I asked Sawyer, refusing to look back at him as I strode over to the hand basins. I knew if I did I’d be met with his stern father face.