“Now that’s what I’m talking about,” I said, rubbing my hands together as I entered the dining area. Bacon, eggs, pancakes, bagels, cereals… Fuckin’ hell yeah. I reached out to pluck a slice of toast from the rack and my mom swatted my hand away. “Ah, come on. Just one slice?”

She didn’t need to answer me, the stern look in her eyes was enough to make my butt-cheeks clench. Luckily for me, just as I was about to choke to death on my own saliva, the buzzer sounded and my mom disappeared to go greet Ashley and Fuckface. In the two minutes she was gone I managed to not only down that slice of toast, but two strips of bacon and a pancake, too.

“Hey, Adam.” Nodding curtly, I shook his proffered hand briefly, dropping it as soon as I caught sight of Ashley.

I ran over to her with my arms outstretched before jolting to a stop when I saw the giant fucking melon she was smuggling under her dress. “You’re pregnant! Why the fuck didn’t I know about this?”

The huge belly made picking her up more difficult than usual, but I soon figured out where to place my hands to get a good enough grip. I twirled her around in a circle, making her squeal.

“Stop, stop, stop!” she cried, barely decipherable through her laughter.

“You’ll make her nauseous,” Asshole Adam interrupted, tossing me a disapproving glare.


“So seriously, why didn’t you tell me?” I repeated, lowering her feet back down to steady land.

“We don’t speak so much anymore. Then when we decided to move back to LA I thought I’d surprise you instead.”

“You’re right. We haven’t been all that great at keeping in touch. But that’s gonna change now you’re back.” I couldn’t resist pulling her in for another tight hug, swaying her from side to side. “Come on through. Mom’s made an epic breakfast.”

Sitting around the glass table, getting up so early was suddenly all worthwhile. My eyes kept wandering to Ashley’s bump. It was like she’d become an actual grown up – more confirmation that it was about time I became one myself. When Adam finally took a break from talking about himself – his business, his parents, his friends – I pushed the left-over bacon toward Ashley. Grinning, she reached out to take some, only to have Adam’s hand placed over hers.

“I don’t think that’s good for the baby, sweetheart.”

“It’s bacon not heroin,” I spat, bewilderment lacing my voice. The only thing that shocked me more than the jackhole’s comment, was the fact Ashley nodded shyly in agreement and put her hand back on her lap. What the fuck?

“Too much salt,” he added. Christ I despised him. Ashley was a completely different person in his company and I didn’t like it.

“Sawyer and Jake are having a party Saturday night,” I said, changing the subject to something that didn’t revolve around Adam. “You should come.”

“We have church Sunday morning.”

So what, he answers for you now, too?

“You don’t need to stay late. I can take you home after Jake’s proposed.”

As soon as the word ‘proposed’ rolled from my lips, Adam choked so harshly on his orange juice Ashley had to pat his back until he regained his breath.

“Jake’s proposing?” my mom asked, clutching her hands together to contain her excitement. “Oh, Ashley, you should go! They’re such a lovely couple.”

“Um, I don’t think it’s really our scene,” Adam intruded yet-a-fucking-gain.

“A small gathering celebrating two people getting engaged isn’t your scene?” I questioned. My mom kicked me under the table. Yes, I was trying to provoke the bastard, but surely I couldn’t be the only one choking on the stench of his bullshit. “Because they’re gay?”

“Respectfully, they’re just not our kind of people.”

“Respectfully, you’re a dick.”

“Matthew!” my mom chided, but I was in no mood to pipe down. I shoved my chair back, forcefully enough to make the legs screech against the floor. Standing up, I tossed my napkin onto the table and kissed my mom, then Ashley, before making my excuses and getting the fuck outta that room.

I decided to take out my frustration in the pool. I swam forty lengths before climbing out, shaking myself off and then reclining back on one of the padded loungers. I figured my mom would let me know when they’d left so planned to stay outside until then. I would call Ashley later to apologize and hopefully arrange to meet up without Asshole Adam by her side.

Thankfully, I had an outdoor bar, so I could grab an OJ without needing to go back inside. After grabbing a bottle, I popped the cap and sat back down, picking up my cell from the table.

Me: I am THIS close to fucking killing someone right now

Alex: Y R U up so early? Did u shit the bed?

Me: Fucker