“Why are you looking at me like that?” Alex’s voice snapped me out of my reverie.

“I was just…” thinking about your eyes. “I’ve had too many,” I said, slamming my half-empty bottle onto the table in front of me. “I’m going to bed.”

Shrugging, Alex carried on sipping his beer. “I’m going to finish watching this,” he said, nodding toward the eighty-inch flat screen embedded into the wall. “See you in the morning.”

“Um, yeah. Sure.” Scratching at my head I virtually ran to the spiral staircase and leapt up them, taking two at a time. I wasn’t wobbly on my feet, yet I was obviously wasted. I mean, why else would I have been checking out another guy’s eyes?

I stripped naked quickly, throwing myself straight into bed. When I closed my eyes Alex’s face was right there on the back of my eyelids. That curl, those eyes…

I shuddered, shook my head and slapped my cheek before pressing a pillow over my face, as if that would somehow block out the image. Oddly, it didn’t, and those damn eyes persecuted me throughout the entire night.


I woke around eleven with a dick so hard I could’ve drilled through concrete. Stretching my arms above my head, I could almost hear the big guy calling to me to pay him some attention. Digging my hips into the mattress I wrapped my fingers around the base and gave it a couple of long, firm strokes. Rolling my head to the side I groaned into my pillow. There was only one thing, apart from a woman, that would’ve made this better. A shower.

By the time I stepped into the steaming spray, my dick had softened a little. This was easily resolved with a little shower gel and a few flexes of my wrist. “Holy shit,” I moaned into the water as it cascaded over my body. With one hand cupping my balls, I tugged roughly with the other until I felt a slight wobble in my knees which told me the end was near. The tingle started softly in my spine, growing more intense with each pull.

My breaths came short and heavy as I steadied myself with one hand pressed onto the wet tiles. As my balls began to throb I increased the speed and pressure, tipping my head back while panting into the steam. “Fuck!” I grunted, closing my eyes as the jet of hot cum darted in violent spurts onto the wall. Then…

I saw those eyes.

“What the…”

Chapter Four


I PUNCHED IN the code to Sawyer and Jake’s gates like I wanted to kill the damn thing. I heard the click of the security cameras zooming in on me as soon as I got out of the car, so I gave Neil a little wave, knowing he was no doubt watching me. Another code and a fingerprint later, I was inside and walking from room to room trying to find Sawyer.

“By the pool!” I heard Sawyer call. Neil had probably told him I was here. I plopped myself down on the sun-lounger next to his and huffed like a sulking child.

“I’m so pissed at you for being gay, dude.”

“Um, okay. Any reason why?”

“Because right now I need to talk to someone straight, and since you joined the butt-bandit team all of my friends seem to be raging homosexuals.”

“Have you tried Kip?”

“He’s busy in the studio. Fucker.”

“Maybe I can help anyway. I did have sex with women once upon a time, remember? What’s up?”

“Alex’s eyes.”

“His eyes?”

“Yeah. I’m telling you, man, I can’t stop thinking about ‘em. Last night I dreamt about them. This morning I was whacking one out in the shower and bam! There they are again. What does that mean?”

Sawyer’s eyes widened and then his lips started to curve into a grin.

“Fuck you, Saw. This is serious.”

“Well how long have you been thinking about his eyes?” The fucker actually snorted.

“Since last night.”

“Look, Matt, I really don’t think it means anything. You guys spend a lot of time together. He was probably just on your mind for some reason. When was the last time you got laid? Maybe you just need a distraction.”


“Hmm? What do you mean ‘hmm?’ You don’t usually need an excuse to pick up a woman.”

“I can’t seem to be bothered with the hassle lately. See? I told you it was serious.”

“Maybe you’re finally becoming an adult,” he teased. I wanted to punch him in the face. “Maybe this club venture will help give you something to focus on.”

“How’d you know about that?”

“Your mom brought us a pie last night.”

“She does that?”

“Oh yeah. She’s constantly offering to do our laundry too, bless her. I’d never say yes of course. Even if I didn’t pay someone to do that, she has enough on her plate cleaning up after you.”

“She’s my mom. It’s her job,” I said with a sly smile. I knew I’d be lost without her though. She meant the world to me. “So what do you think? About the club?”