“Thank you,” I said, genuine adoration, for the amazing man who saved Jake’s life, saturating my voice. “Thank you so much,” I repeated, shaking his hand.

The doctor, whose name I didn’t even think to get, made his excuses and disappeared. When I got back to Kip, Claire was now with him. Her expression was a mixture of shock, concern, fear… everything I felt just minutes ago.

“He’s gonna be okay,” I breathed, smiling in relief.

“Thank God,” she said, pressing a hand to her chest. “Jake’s parents are on their way. This will be all over the news any time now. I had to tell them.”

“Shit! No, of course. Thank you.” How did I forget to call his parents? They’re his parents dammit!

“Sawyer, why the hell didn’t you tell us there was something going on between you two? I mean… you…and…him?”

“Let’s give him a break, huh, Claire?” Kip interrupted, completely saving my ass. No way could I be bothered dealing with a mass of questions from her right now. “What does it even matter?”

“Of course it matters,” she snapped. “But you’re right. We’ll discuss it later. The police are outside, they want to talk to you.”

“Now? Can’t it wait until I’ve seen Jake?”

“No, sir, I’m afraid it can’t,” an official-looking man waving a badge in the air, interjected, seemingly coming from nowhere.

“There’s a family room over there,” I said, nodding across the corridor. “We can go in there.”

The officer nodded, following my lead to the empty room. Closing the door behind him, he introduced himself and his colleague before motioning for me to take a seat with his hand.

“Mr Knight,” he began. “We have reason to believe the man we have in custody is your stepfather.”

“Kip, sorry I mean Isaac, told me.”

“We’re still trying to get to the bottom of why he holds such a vendetta against you. Do you know what that reason might be?”

“Why the hell would I? I’ve not seen the guy in over eight years. And what’s Laurelin got to do with this?”

“It appears your PA has been in a relationship with Jerry for the last six years. We believe the sole reason she sought employment from you was to aid your stepfather in his plan to…” he trailed off, as if his words might shock me.

“Kill me?”

“Yes. We’re planning to charge them both with attempted murder.”

“But… Laurelin? There’s no… I mean I just… what the hell did they want from us?”

“He keeps asking to talk to you.”

“He what!”

“Of course you’re under no obligation to do so, and if you do decide to speak with him there will be an officer present with you at all times.”

“I…I…” My mind was starting to shut down. I couldn’t process this amount of information. Jerry? Laurelin? Nothing made sense. “I need to think about it.”

“Of course. We will need to take a full statement from you as soon as possible. I understand you wish to get back to your friend right now, but if it’s okay with you we would like to come and see you at your hotel first thing in the morning.”

“I’ll still be here,” I said firmly. I wouldn’t be leaving Jake. Not ever.

“That’s fine. Just call us if that changes,” he said, handing me a card from his wallet. “Thank you for your time, Mr Knight. We’ll see you tomorrow.”

Nodding, I followed him, and the one that never spoke, back out into the corridor.

“Everything okay?” Kip questioned, weighing me up and down as if I were about to break.

“My head is fucked, man. I just want to see Jake. Everything else can wait.”

“Mr Knight?”

“Yeah?” I spun around immediately to face the blonde nurse.

“I can take you up to see Mr Reed now.”

“Thank you,” I breathed, sighing in relief. “Hey, Kip?” I called over my shoulder. “Will you wait around and fill his parents in?”

“Sure, mate. No problem.”

I followed the young nurse to the stairs at the far end of the corridor. I ran up them, two at a time, eager to get to Jake. We stopped by a set of blue swing doors and, hovering her hand in front of them, she paused.

“He’s still very groggy,” she advised. “Don’t be surprised if he isn’t talking much sense, and don’t push him too far about what happened. It’s imperative he stays relaxed right now.”

“Got it,” I said, nodding. “Thank you.”

Stepping inside the white and clinical room, my eyes darted straight to Jake. He was lying on the bed, the sheet folded just above his waist. There was a large dressing on his chest, just off centre, and he was hooked up to various bleeping machines. I walked cautiously over him, trying not to make any noise. Pulling up a chair, I sat down beside him, cradling his hand in mine.

My touch caused him to stir, and I watched intently, impatiently, as his eyes started to flicker. When they opened, they locked onto mine and the faintest smile pulled on the corners of his lips.

“Thank God you’re okay,” he whispered hoarsely.

“Me? Jesus, Jake… Thank God you’re okay. You scared the shit out of me.”

“Sorry,” he said, smiling softly. “I’ll try not to get shot in future, huh?”

“Jake…” I breathed, unsure of what to say but knowing it was important. “I’m so sorry for how I’ve been behaving.” He cocked an eyebrow, confused. “I’m sorry for being so fucking afraid. For hiding you. For not showing you how fucking proud I am of you. Because I am, Jake. I’m so fucking proud of you. I love you. I need you. And thinking I was going to lose you? Fuck, Jake… it almost killed me. Right there beside you, I felt my heart slowing down. You belong to me, Jake. Always have, always will. I’m just so sorry I didn’t realise that before it was almost too late.”

“What are you saying, Sawyer?”

“I’m saying I’m ready. I’m ready to love you in front of the whole damn world.”

“Don’t say things you don’t mean just because I’m in here. Take your time. Think about it.”