“Ha! Let’s just say you don’t fuck with her,” he said and I liked him instantly. “But seriously, mate, she’s saved my arse so many times.”

“How so?” I questioned and then quickly backtracked. “Hey, sorry, man. None of my business.”

“No worries. I don’t mind discussing stuff. I am who I am. If people don’t like it, they can get fucked.” Now I was really starting to like him. I admired his attitude to life. “Let’s just say I was blessed with shit parents. They kicked me out last night. Had nowhere to go, so Elle arranged for me to come here with her.”

“Shit. Sorry, dude.”

“Don’t be. I’ll sort myself out. Always do.”

“So what’d they kick you out for?”

“They found out about my second job.” I looked up at him in the mirror and he drew his bottom lip, which was pierced on both sides, into his mouth as if to reign in his smile.

“Second job? You don’t just work for Elle?”

“I’m also an actor and model,” he said, cocking an eyebrow. Why would that warrant his parents kicking him out? “For a gay porn company.” That would be why.

“You’re fucking with me?”

“Nope,” he grinned. “It’s only a low budget company. But I enjoy it, you know. What’s not to love? I get paid for doing the thing I love most in the world.”

“You’re a porn star? For real?”

“Also known as Kyle Kingston.” Ryder winked at me and if he hadn’t have been styling my hair I would’ve shaken my head.

“Wow. I’m actually pretty stunned here.”

I didn’t know why I was so surprised. I’d met my fair share of female porn stars over the years. Maybe it’s because those girls were at planned events – I knew they’d be there and what they did for a living. Or maybe… probably… it was because he’s a guy.

“Don’t worry, mate. I’m not gonna pounce on you,” he joked. “Unless you want me to,” he added with another wink.

“Nah, I’m good thanks,” I assured him, laughing him off. “So does it not interfere with your job at the salon? I imagine there’s some clients that would judge you for that?”

“The only kind of people who would find out would be those who use the adult entertainment industry. You wouldn’t know unless you went looking for me, and out of those who do, most would be too embarrassed to admit it, and the others think I’m a fucking god or something. So no, it’s all good on that front.”

“And you’re what they call a twink, right?” I’m pretty sure a twink is a young-looking gay guy, lean, slender… pretty boy I guess.

“You know your stuff! I’m impressed.” Shit. Didn’t think that one through. I decided to stay silent from then on before I really landed myself in it. “I fucking hate that term though. The stereotypical twink is thought to be dumb as pig shit. I like to think I’ve got a bit more going up here.” Laughing, he tapped the side of his head with the end of his comb.

He’d finished doing his thing with my hair after about twenty minutes. I eyed myself up in the mirror and nodded in approval. He seemed to have managed to control my wayward fringe so it was a thumbs up from me. That damn bit of hair annoyed the fuck out of me when I was on stage. I should really just get Elle to cut it off.

“Cool. Thanks, man,” I said, standing up from my chair while he started packing his things away.

“No problem. I’ll go see if Elle needs any help in the other room.”

“Oh and, twink?”


“Good to meet you, buddy.”

“You too, mate.” Smiling, he turned for the door.

When he left the room I slumped down onto the leather couch, exhaling a dumbfounded laugh. I sure as hell wasn’t expecting that scenario today.

Chapter Ten

“On in ten!” one of the arena men called out before talking into his radio. Our support act, an up and coming band called The Mark, had finished up and the roadies were getting the stage ready for us. We all congregated in the long white corridor backstage, waiting for our cue.

“Hey,” Elle whispered, sneaking up behind me and tapping me on the shoulder. “Can I talk to you for a sec?” she asked, cocking her head behind her.

“Sure,” I agreed, following her lead towards the quieter end of the corridor, away from the guys. “What’s up?”

“Just wondering if Kip has said anything to you? Something’s off with him.”

“No, not said anything to me.” It wasn’t technically a lie. Kip genuinely hadn’t told me what’d been eating his ass all day. I did know something was wrong with him though. I also knew his weird behaviour started when I told him I was dating Elle. That was a conversation I didn’t have time for just before we went on stage so I pleaded ignorance instead. “I’ll have a word with him after the show.”

“Thanks. I love all you guys. It bothers me when something’s wrong.”

“Don’t worry, gorgeous girl. I’ll get to the bottom of it, I promise.”

“Okay. Good,” she nodded, not seeming convinced. “Knock ‘em dead out there tonight, muscle man.”

“Always do,” I winked. I brought her in for a quick hug and told her I’d meet her at tonight’s after party. Then I headed back over to the guys, pulling up the collar on my ripped white shirt, and waited for our stage call.

The sound of the screaming crowd was deafening before we’d even reached the stage. Popping my earpiece in, I stepped out last, following behind the guys. It is the most powerful feeling in the world looking out at the swarms of people shouting, cheering and screaming your name. They were here for us… five ordinary guys with a passion for music. I will never get used to, nor tire, of it.

“MANCHESTEEEEEER!” Matt called out into his microphone, making the crowd go crazy. Smiling, I hooked my guitar over my shoulder and familiarised my fingers with the strings. “WHO WANTS TO HEAR SOME FUCKIN’ GOOD TUNES, HUH?”