“We’re heading straight for the tour bus. When we arrive, you need to get straight out of the car and straight onto the bus. Apparently there’s already quite a crowd gathering, but with no barriers in place you can’t afford to stop for them.”

“Got it,” I said, though really I hadn’t heard a word. All I could think about was how tight his pants looked, and how my fingers were twitching to unzip them and release the pressure. That was shortly followed by thoughts along the line of ‘What the fuck am I doing?’

“Is Elle travelling with us on the bus?” I asked, wondering why she didn’t answer the text I sent her before the show.

“No. She’s dealing with something at home so said she’ll travel up by herself tonight. I-”

“I don’t want her travelling by herself,” I interrupted.

“If you’d let me finish,” Jake began, “I was going to add that I told her I didn’t want her traveling alone and so I’ve arranged for Jim to stay behind and accompany her.”

“Oh,” I muttered, feeling like a bit of a douche. I need to start remembering that Jake isn’t just my ex-best friend from high school who I can’t stop thinking about, he’s also our head of security. He’s the best in his field. He knows his job and I should start trusting him to do it.

“I know my job, Sawyer. While Elle is on the tour as your stylist, she is part of our team. I’m here to protect our team.”

“I know. Sure. Sorry,” I mumbled. Deciding keeping my mouth shut for the rest of the relatively short journey, I flopped my head back onto the padded headrest and closed my eyes. It eased the stinging caused by a mixture of smoke and sweat created on stage, and although fully conscious, I relaxed into my seat, slouching with my knees apart, and just…thought.

Turned out thinking is a dangerous pastime for me these days, given the raging hard-on taking over my pants. I sat up, shifting my position slightly in an attempt to inconspicuously relieve the pressure on my dick. Fuck these jeans were tight. Seconds later my phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it free, expecting it to be Elle replying to my earlier text.

Jake: Uncomfortable isn’t it?


Daring a sideways glance in his direction, I held my phone up and looked at him in utter confusion. Then my gaze followed the movement of his hand down to his crotch, where he traced the outline of his evidently swollen cock through the restrictive black material of his pants. I squirmed in my seat, forced out a cough to clear the lump forming in my throat and turned to the window. The effect Jake had on me completely baffled me. Sure I’ve been attracted to men before, but never to the point I had a constant erection in their presence, and most definitely never to the point where I couldn’t seem to think of anything else but them.

When we reached the bus, it was a military operation to get us all out of our cars and straight on board without being ambushed by the awaiting crowd. I always felt a pang of guilt whenever we couldn’t afford to stop and take a minute to chat with fans. We owe our whole career to them, and they deserve some attention when they’ve waited outside in the cold so late at night to see us. And Christ it was cold – not unusual for late March in England – and I zipped my leather jacket right up to my neck after stepping onto the bus. It hadn’t had a chance to heat up yet.

“Ugh, this bus is a heap of shit,” Matt grumbled, slinging his backpack onto the couches at the back end of the bus. Personally, I didn’t see anything wrong with the bus. Granted, it’s not as big or comfortably furnished as the bus we have in the States, but it’ll do the job. “Why the fuck couldn’t we just fly?”

“We’ve been over this,” Gavin answered. “For the distance, it’s less hassle to drive our kit up there.”

“Doesn’t mean we couldn’t fly. Someone else could’ve travelled up with the kit.”

“Shut your whiney ass up, Matt,” I griped, before diving towards the bunks to claim the single bed space. The other guys could fight out between them who were getting the other bunks, but there was no way I was sharing a space with any of them – especially Matt.

“Oh come on, dude, you always get the single bunk!” Matt called after me. I sniggered to myself, ignoring him as I tossed my back onto the tiny bed. I was about to lie down on it, rest my weary body after belting it out on stage for the last four hours, when I heard Jake’s voice below.

“Okay, guys, Neil and I will be travelling on the bus with you. Everyone else will be following behind.”


I didn’t want Jake on the bus with us. The bus was too confined. He’d be too close. Sometimes it felt like I no longer had any control over my mind or my body when he was around – what if the guys picked up on something.

“There aren’t enough bunks for everyone,” I heard Kip say. “Neil could take the couch, and I guess you could bunk in with Saw. He has the biggest bed.”

Oh fuck no.

“I won’t be sleeping,” Jake assured. “I’ll be fine right here.”

Flooded with relief, I took the opportunity to climb down from my bunk and join them.

“Hey,” I said as casually as I could manage, stuffing my hands in my pockets. “You riding with us?” Of course I knew the answer, but apart from discussing the fucking weather, all other options for ‘casual’ conversation eluded me.

“Yeah. Just waiting for Neil,” he explained, shrugging out of his jacket and laying it neatly on the chair next to him. As if by magic, Neil hopped onto the bus in that very moment.

“It’s fuckin’ crazy out there,” he said, shaking his head.