“Please, Sawyer,” I whimpered. “Take me all the way, baby.”

Closing his eyes, he drew me back into his mouth, circling his thumb and forefinger around the base and gripping me tightly. He worked his mouth up and down along with his fingers, then his free hand cupped my balls, massaging them with his thumb into his palm.

“Yes,” I murmured, digging my arse into the bed and forcing myself deeper into his mouth. “Faster, baby…” Doing as I asked, his head bobbed up and down and as I gripped his hair with my fingers, I couldn’t take my eyes off his movement. Sawyer Knight, my Sawyer Knight – not the one the world thought they owned – was sucking my dick, and he was so fucking stunning it sent me spiralling towards the edge. The violent tingle of my impeding orgasm began in my spine, then it spread to my hips before surging downwards, drawing my throbbing balls up into my body.

“If you don’t want me to come in your mouth, you need to move away now,” I ground out through gritted teeth. He didn’t move, just sucked harder. “Fuck, Sawyer… God yes, baby…Fuck!” I came with a deep moan, pouring myself into his mouth, my cock pulsating against his tongue. Only when I’d completely finished ejaculating did he remove his mouth, and then, wiping the corners of his lips on the back of his hand, he looked up at me with a nervous gaze.

“That was fucking amazing,” I said, easing the anxious glint in his eyes somewhat. “Did you enjoy doing it?” I added curiously. Scooting back up to the top of the bed, he collapsed onto his back.

“Yes,” he admitted. “And I can’t wait to do it again. It felt… right.” My heart vibrated in my chest, the reverberations spreading throughout my entire body. I sensed a hint of regret, maybe even fear in his voice, but I dismissed it. I couldn’t expect him to be okay with this so quickly – in fact I was still in a state of shock that I’d managed to get him into my bed so quickly. I knew before I even took this job he would resist, and I honestly thought it would take a few months to crack him.

I never doubted that I would crack him however. I remember our first kiss like it was ten days ago, not ten years. I felt how much he wanted it – wanted me. Plus there are the rumours in the media. During the last couple of years a couple of kiss and tell stories have managed to get to print before the band’s management have been able to get an injunction against them. There’s no smoke without fire, right?

“Tasted better than I thought it would too,” Sawyer added with a lopsided smile. “But… I guess I should get going now.”

“No, wait,” I said quickly, grabbing onto his forearm. “Stay a while? Let me hold you… sleep next to you.”

“I can’t. Someone might see me leaving your room if I’m still here in the morning.”

“I’ll set the alarm for a couple of hours time. You can leave while it’s still the middle of the night, just please, lie with me for a little while.”

“Okay,” he breathed. And it was the sweetest word I’d ever heard in my life. Hitching myself up a little and rolling onto my back, I laid out one of my arms for him to snuggle into. Without a second’s hesitation, he shifted closer and rested his head on my chest. I closed my arm around him, lowering my head and nuzzling his hair.

“I’ve waited forever for this moment,” I said quietly, squeezing him a little tighter. With my free arm, I plucked the corner of the duvet from the edge of the bed, throwing it over both of our naked bodies. “Promise me you won’t run from this tomorrow – run from us.”

Sawyer was silent for a little longer than I felt comfortable with, but eventually came the words I needed to hear – or at least, the best I could hope for right now.

“I promise to try,” he said, his voice weak. “That’s all I can offer you right now, Jake. But I meant what I said, nobody can know about us.”

“That’s fine with me.” For now. “You can trust me. Always.” I reached around to the bedside table, setting the alarm for two hours time like I promised. “I can make you happy, Sawyer. Just give me the chance to show you.”

Those were the last words spoken between us before I drifted into a satisfied sleep, with the man who owned my heart and soul wound tightly in my arms.

Chapter Seven

“Fuck!” I blasted, throwing myself out of Jake’s bed so quickly I stumbled and whacked my knee on the bedpost. “Double fuck!” I whined, hopping across the room towards the en-suite.

“What’s wrong?” Jake asked, rubbing at his eyes.

“It’s six o-fucking-clock! I need to get out of here!”

“Shit, Sawyer, I’m so sorry. I set the alarm I swear,” he apologised, climbing out of bed after me.

“I know you did. I just… I don’t have time for this. Where the fuck did I leave my pants?”

“They’re on the dresser. I folded them.”


“I’m just a tidy guy I guess,” he said, shrugging. After pulling my pants on quickly, I turned around to grab my shirt. Then I felt strong arms snake around my waist and my mind was conflicted whether I should melt into them or push him away.

“I need to go,” I barely whispered, relaxing into his embrace. He started kissing along my neck and then pushed his hips forward, pressing his obvious erection into the small of my back. “Later,” I added, a promise I intended to keep.

“You’re not running?” he asked huskily before nibbling on my ear lobe and driving me fucking insane.

“Not today,” I teased, but he didn’t appreciate my humour.

“Not ever,” he affirmed, digging his fingers firmly into my hips and pulling me even closer to him. Closing my eyes, I sighed contentedly. How could this feel so right, so natural, when the back of my mind wouldn’t quit screaming at me that it was wrong?